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Talon broke off


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My CAG broke off her talon today. Its was a clean 'break' (not really a break - it ran over by a chair, and the talon 'cleanly' came off). Obviously there was blood, and I put some clotting gel on the bloody quib(?)


Next I disinfected her cage with water and bleach. Currently I am letting that all dry out before I put her back into it


What else should I do? How should I keep an eye out for an infection? Should I be applying anything to the bloody quib?

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Oh..poor thing. That will be quite painful for a long time. Sounds like you did a good job taking care of it. I would keep an eye on it for infection. It depends how far down the talon broke as to whether or ot it will grow back. It will feel hot for a day or so, but if it continues and anything looks wrong, you should visit the vet. I would not put anything else on it, she will only clean it off by ingesting it.


Please keep us posted......hope all goes well amd heals quickly

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Gosh, I really don't know....if it were my bird, I would take it to a vet to answer those questions AND to make sure there is no infection and that have it checked. Better safe than sorry. You wouldn't want an infectionto set in and as birds hide their illness until its almost too late, that would be terrible....

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Visiting your vet, is always a good option! You did, exactly what I would have done.

Unfortunately, with tough economic times, some if not many of us, have to " pick and choose", vet visits. I would have cleansed the talon with betadine, then sealed it. Watch for any signs of infection. Redness, drainage. Amy sign of infection, requires a visit to the vet for antiobiotic treatment. Once the wound is sealed, applying a local antibiotic, such as neosporin, is no longer an option. Any signs of infection, requires an antibiotic by mouth. Nancy

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