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Bath time


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Here's Chickie post bath. :) She really is not a fan of it, but I know she feels much better afterward cause she carries on making noises ususally for about half an hour. The other animals in the house get all worried when she gets her baths, though, cause she raises quite a ruckus. Misty definitely enjoys baths much more than Chickie does. :)

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I'm also lucky with Egan and baths. He also lets me know he wants a bath when he starts dunking in his playstand water bowl. So I get out the spray bottle and spray him while he raises his wings and turns around for me. I tried putting a bigger bowl in his cage but he seems to prefer the small bowl and the "shower".

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Well done Misty! So great to see them enjoying themselves. Brutus dunks himself in his water dish, yet will not bathe in anything large enough to accommodate his size. I wish he did. I still have to shower him against his will. Although, lately he has been emulating his water-loving Amazon brother and spreading his wings. Good improvement.

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