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Cage Upgrade: Is it worth it?


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I've been looking into getting Simon a new cage. His is okay, but now that I'm working he's spending more time in his cage and I think bigger might be better. I've also heard that Greys prefer a smaller cage for the first year, and then prefer a bigger cage - Simon will be one year old next month.


My local pet store has a really nice Avian Adventure cage on super sale. They only have one, and it's still in the box. It's a dometop Mediana - interior dimensions are 34 x 24 x 40. (See: http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3138531 for picture. ) The price is $350 Canadian, which is a real deal. (Cages here in Canada seem to be much more expensive than in the US, and delivery charges are significant too.)


The thing is, Simon's current cage isn't much smaller than this one I'm looking at. It's 32 x 22 x 36. Just 2 x 2 x 4 inches difference. Will those few inches make much of a difference to Simon? Or should I look at larger, much more expensive cages?

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I went thru the same thing while I was switching cages for Kura. 3 cages ago, she had a great cage, although I wanted to eventually get her into a giant cage. Well, she forced the issue when she started to eat out of the poop tray & got sick. But I still couldn't find a giant cage that I could afford.


I found another cage that was about the same difference as the 2 you're comparing. The difference in the 2 cages may be 2"x2"x4". But it's also the difference between 25,344 cubic inches and 32,640 cubic inches (if the cages were rectangular instead of dome topped). So that little difference does make a noticeable difference overall. I was surprised how much it showed once it was set up. So if you were choosing between them originally, I'd say that little difference was very worth some extra investment.


But, I don't know that I'd think it was $350 worth under these circumstances. Simon's ok where he is. So you've got the time to look for the best bang for the buck. If it were me, I'd wait until I found it, even though this cage may be a good buy.


I know other members have posted about finding reasonably priced cages in Canada. You might be able to get them to share what they eventually worked out. Also, I've had very good luck w/Craigslist as well as Ebay.

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Be careful with upgrading a cage. If it is too small, definitely upgrade. I bought Sophie a HUGE cage! Her previous cage, was a good size, just felt I wanted to offer her a new home, that she would enjoy more. She REFUSED to even think about it. After six months, she still wouldn't think about it. I finally removed her old cage, she moved in with Amazon and Sunconure. Brought back her old cage, she refused to move out of other birds cage. Last month, she slept in new cage ONCE overnite. ( her old cage is still next to new cage). She still prefers to sleep in the cage with the Amazon and Sunconure. Oh well.... they make their own choices. Nancy

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I think a cage update is always good when it comes to more room for your fids and you know what is a good price for a cage is in Canada.

All my fids have had a cage update at one time or anouther and my grey has always taken to a new cage with out much trouble.

If you think your fids need an update and you think the price is a good price than I say go for it.

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Zoom... I have a very unusual situation. I don't know why, it was nothing I did.Amazon girl, Sunconure boy, are bonded. When they travel for a trim, Amazon and sunconure go in the same cage. Sophie the grey, has her own. I would put them all in one travel cage, if I had one big enough. Kiki gets trimmed first. ( she can be sqittish!) Sunny watches. He will tell her to sit still. Sophie goes last, Kiki and Sunny watch her.( the queen last!) My bird trimmer said this is " highly unusual". I had nothing to do with their decisions on how they live. Probably having the luxury of 24 hour coverage years ago, to have open cage, might of made the difference. Not sure. Nancy

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