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It is weird....?


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There are certain things that I say with Gemma that seem to make her want to stick her beak in my mouth. Why, oh why?? When I say, "Evil laugh!" then laugh "aww aww aww," she pokes her head around and the beak goes in my mouth if I'm not quick enough to shut it.


She immediately started doing the same thing when I started saying, "HO HO HO, Meeerrrrrry Christmas!" It's not during the "hohoho" part, but always on "merry." Those are the only two phrases she does it with, and with both phrases she started doing it as soon as I started saying them around her, and has been completely consistent ever since.


Isn't life with Greys fun???

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I had a little male cockatiel that did the same thing!!!! He had a real fetish with my mouth.... I couldn't chew gum around him; it would drive him crazy.

When I held him up and kissed his little beak, he gave me a kiss back, and when I said "Thank you, good boy"... The boy on my lips, he would shove his beak in my mouth!!!

He had a little yellow plastic bead he carried everywhere with him. He was extremely protective of it, but trusted me enough to walk over on the floor & put it in my mouth!! I offered it back; he would gently take it and off he'd toddle... so sweet!!!

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Chezron: before I answer your question -- Thank you so much for watching my vid!!! If you click on his picture in my profile album it will give you a brief explanation. Sadly, no .... He passed two months after I rescued "Roscoe". It was as though I embarked into the world of Greys & it allowed me to bear the loss of Bozo. Bozo came to me w/ a broken leg and I "willed" that an underdog be a king. I treasure each moment I had with him and my "Gabby", who remains my gentle little soul, I'm sure misses Bozo too.


I answer you with tears and a heavy heart but grateful that Roscoe & Gabby fill my time and bring me to realize how much I love my fids.

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I'm sure you enjoy your three and love them all. At some point, I would definately consider a third... Possibly a baby TAG if the occasion arose.


I do, however; feel that Roscoe deserves my undivided attention for a while longer until he becomes more settled and sure of himself. He still has a lot of baggage that needs to be undone.



Again, thanks for watching the vid and sharing your insight. They are all wonderfully intelligent "beasties"....

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Bozo was a special boy, Gwen. It was so sweet how he wanted to share his bead with you like that... I'm sorry he isn't with you any longer, he looks as though he was quite the charmer, a real character! I know I still miss dear, beloved animal babies of mine who have passed away. I'll always love and remember them as I know you do yours, and I do cry over them sometimes, but I think it's good to try and remember them with smiles too (once the acute grief is past). They wouldn't want us to be sad forever, they loved us too much for that. :)


Your Gabby is gorgeous, though, makes Bunsen look a little plain by comparison (hehe, don't tell her I said that!).


Thanks for sharing your beautiful babies with us. :)

Edited by MarcusCAG
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You are so sweet, Karen !!! It makes me happy just to know you enjoyed my video !!!


All our babies deserve the love and attention we give them because it is unconditional... Life's most beautiful gift


So nice of you to admire Gabby. She is just as sweet as she is beautiful.

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