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Foot Fetish??


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Gemma (14 month-old CAG) has always liked to make her way to my feet if I'm laying on the couch with her on my stomach. We always thought it was a little weird. She does it if I'm barefoot or wearing socks.


Last night I was in the recliner with my feet up, wearing bright yellow socks and she was on my lap. She made her way to my feet, then sat next to my feet and put her head down to be scratched. My husband and I cracked up!! I didn't move, and she sat there like a little statue waiting for her scratches! I eventually scritched her head a bit with my big toe, but where she was sitting made it difficult. I got her and put her back on my lap, where she gets lots of scratches and attention, but she made her way down my leg and back to the beloved feet, and put her head down to be scratched. Is this weird or what?! :confused:

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Lol! That is too cute. Chimay used to tolerate feet, but when he hit 2 years old he decided that feet are in fact, evil. He will even go as far as to eradicate socks from his nearby surroundings if there are any around. Somewhere I have a video if him going through my sock drawer, defiantly tossing every single pair of balled up socks in sight and then looking at me as if to say "you're welcome. Someone had to do it"


They're wonderful!

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My son Ryan, who is now off to college in North Carolina, use to suffer insomnia. He would come down, sleep on the couch in family room. Sophie would walk in, sleep on the couch with Ryan. She LOVED his feet. She would groom his feet, kiss his toes like crazy! She LOVED his hammer toes! ( the most ugliest toes you ever saw!) LOL Nancy

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