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Cuddle, Scritch Time


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I thought it was wonderful the way Talon picked this up & ran w/it. I think a new room for rehomed/rehabed fids could be a great help to many people. I also think it might be a really great way for people to realize how much of a roller coaster it really is & avoid it if they truly aren't made to take the ride. So much better for everyone to avoid a bad adoption if at all possible. So much better to be able to prepare for the incredible ups & downs, if at all possible, too.


I said I liked the idea of calling the new room The Weary Traveler, "Then everybody with a rehomed bird whose 'baggage' they're dealing with and working through could feel welcome to post there" as MarcusAg put it so well.


I also agree that it should be a place for any type of parront, no matter what breed of fid is involved. There are certainly breed specific tendencies that will help. But there are so many basic bits of bird or even critter wisdom that could help, too. Just sharing the journey w/others may be the most helpful thing of all. Good or bad, because let's face it, there aren't so many people in our daily lives who really get the emotional investment here.


My other suggestion was that maybe some of the existing threads get moved into the new room if it happened. I guess it started because I was thinking what Jay would say about all of this, if he were still around. Somehow, he became the voice in my head when I answer abused fids posts a lot of the time. I thought he had a real gift & I only wish I knew half as much as he does.


I don't know if it can be done, but it seems like a shame to waste so much time & experience that's just floating around out on the forums. If it sounds like a good idea, it might be a really helpful start if everyone made some suggestions for threads they thought could apply.

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Gwen, this is a great idea to start a new room, or possibly redefine a couple we have already. You have something here. I would be willing to move Gilbert's thread in a heartbeat. You all have some great ideas to include any feathered species because many rehomed greys once were housed with other birds and picked up behaviors from them. I also feel Jay's presence and hear his words when I am dealing with a bird with "issues". Rehome, rehab, fresh starts, foster care, rescue, sanctuary, adoption. All of these things and more describe the journey of a lifetime in the grey world and the greater parrot experience. It would be tough to consider Gilbert a rescue because it wasn't like he was hanging onto a cliff by a thread, LOL. There are so many life changes that can't be avoided where the result is something like this gift I found in bringing home a little guy and starting a new chapter in our lives. I am reminded of a show called "Storage Wars" or something like that. Under all the baggage and abandonment, there is a story. There is also a diamond in the rough, a treasure and I see our role to make the match work, to give our little rag tag and sometimes tattered little friends a place to shine.

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"Magnificent wreckage" is what I called Phenix & the other rehab's I've met. They gave me the same feeling I get when I see a movie w/a wooden sailing ship stranded on the reef. I just can't help but see how beautiful they are, no matter how dinged up.


I suggested your thread to Talon, Dee. I think it fits. Gilbert may not have been hanging off a cliff, but I think he may have had a few talons hanging over the edge. It might easily have been a whole other story if he hadn't found you & Sarah. Instead it's the tale of a greyt journey.


What you wrote made me think Sanctuary sounded like it might be another name. But it might be confusing. Nice to find something that says hope & support even though everyone isn't going to live as happily ever after as Gilbert. Something I was reminded of last nite when I saw the thread on Jakob's Journey had been reactivated. It's unfortunate that the Rescue Room really is our lost & found.

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I love the fact that we're all working together to create a commonplace to express our ideas and share for the benefit of our rehomes. I do totally agree that it need not be grey specific and that the mix-nix threads could be sorted & grouped into this room.

The idea of restarting a better life is the first thought that comes to mind.

I feel confident that Talon will set up a room that we can continue to provide what's in the best interest for our complicated fids !!

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Hi everyone, Thank you all for your kind words And a BIG thank you for your ideas, comments and suggestions. I am kind of moving slow on this room as I am still getting replies back in my pm box for room ideas from members who aren't able to be here everyday, and I want to give as many as possible a chance to chime in to me.



But we DEFINATELY will be starting a new room for rescued birds of any kind, I mean to say, rehomed birds that need us to help them become the happy birds they should be. Along with their baggage are struggles that we face and having a quick reference room to get advice, share trials ö and tribulations, would be wonderful!


Once the room is named and set up, I will be combing thru the various rooms here and moving the appropriate threads into that room. I would like someone with experience to hopefully write an opening thread to start the room off. Having a little step by step process when a neglected or abused bird first enters your home, etc.

Please keep your ideas coming, and anyone willing to start off a quick help guide for the room that I spoke of would be great. I personally don't have the experience of a neglected or abused rescue bird, so I am not much help.

Thanks all, and I will keep you all updated!


SORRY THIS THREAD was hijacked......but it really was THIS thread that put us on a new road to a wonderful idea!

Edited by Talon
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Again, Talon, I want to "THANK YOU" and give you a big e-hug for picking up on this & soon making it reality...


Also, what a good idea to begin by pulling the pieces together & having the info in one spot. Please keep us posted & just let me know what you need to help launch this room...

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