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Moving House!!!!!


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Hello everyone....


We will all be moving house on 28th december & im a little worried that Coco is going to get very upset :(


Is there anything i can do to make him feel better once the move has taken place?

this is quite worring me & we havent even moved yet :/

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Hi NatJ,

I was worried too when we moved. I had no idea how resilient our birds would be. Thankfully, they all adjusted - no problem. I do have to say, however, that Brutus (our grey) did pout for a few days. By that I mean he hid in my husband's closet on top of the door for a couple of days. I guess he hoped it would all go back to the way it was. But after that he was fine. I guess all-in-all it took a couple of months before I felt he was completely comfortable and happy again. It will be fine for your bird too.

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Changing to a new enviroment, can be very stressful to a grey. They really HATE change! As long as you continue with your routine with them, that is the first step. The second step, is to introduce the new home, including the entire family, showing how excited they are. Once your grey understands, feeding etc. will not change... everyone else is happy.... they will adjust. Sophie would be fine, if we had to live in a car. As long as she got her diet, kids and I were happy, she would be happy.

Many greys love just one owner. Sophie loves us all, for different reasons. Ryan my 20 year old, off in college, calls her weekly on the phone. It was hard for Sophie, to let him go. She will say, " Ryan off in school!" She doesn't understand it, but knows its important. Nancy

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when we rehomed kallie, i took pictures of where the items in her cage were located so that we could duplicate it once we got her cage to our house. i figured it would be more comforting for her to at least have her own personal space as familiar as possible while she adjusted to all the new sights and sounds with us.

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ok, i have a question on this. yes i realize that all parrots dislike change and some will argue that greys dislike change more than other species of parrots. however I know several parrot owners who board their birds and when i took my dog in for his annual my vet was boarding 2 greys from different owners. my friends parrots (a macaw and a DYH) do just fine at the boarders and the two greys at my vet were happy as clams and they were on a 2 week board.


i dunno,i guess i just dont subscribe to how fragile parrots are to change as others do. yes i realize each parrot is different with differnt reaction, what i am referring to is the overall blanket belief that "OMG we put a new chair in the room, poor polly is going to freak!"


nobody knows your parrot better than you do. if you know beyond a doupt that there are going to be issues with your bird when you move then i suggest you consult with a expert parrot behaviorist. if you don't know for sure then don't worry about it.

Edited by carlsjr
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I think in part they react to our stress especially when we worry about them. They are experts at reading body language we are not quite so good at understanding theirs. therefore I suggest being happy and positive about the move and keeping them in a quiet area or with family or friends when moving all the furniture ect. out of the current place might be easier for you both. Play music he likes and is familiar with while packing and introducing him to his new digs.

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carlsjr... It does.... begin with you, as the bird owner! There are many birdowners, that DO freak out ( only interested in their birds welfare!). There are parents like me, with open cage policy, I don't freak out with manipulation. I am very strict with certain behaviors. Sophie, would FREAK out, if she didn't trust her groomer, to board her. She is well socialized, loves all of us, thru lots of hard work.

It wouldn't matter how socialized she was, if she was put in a strange enviroment. She would FREAK out! Greys are birds that thrive thru routine. No matter how adjusted they are socially... they cannot handle changes to their routine. It is a serious threat to their survival. Nancy

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carlsjr... It does.... begin with you, as the bird owner! There are many birdowners, that DO freak out ( only interested in their birds welfare!). There are parents like me, with open cage policy, I don't freak out with manipulation. I am very strict with certain behaviors. Sophie, would FREAK out, if she didn't trust her groomer, to board her. She is well socialized, loves all of us, thru lots of hard work.

It wouldn't matter how socialized she was, if she was put in a strange enviroment. She would FREAK out! Greys are birds that thrive thru routine. No matter how adjusted they are socially... they cannot handle changes to their routine. It is a serious threat to their survival. Nancy


i seriously disagree with that statement.


there is plenty of proof to show just the opposite. Take Shaoolung for example. he took his grey EVERYWHERE with him. car rides, hikes, new homes and his tink was a well adjusted grey. from his posting there was little routine.


greys in the wild change their routine every single day. it can be brought on by changes in the weather, food/water sources, predators, nesting areas.... their whole world is about change.


look on youtube and see all the people who put a harness on their grey and go out into the big scary world with them.


my own grey for example, we moved her cage to put the Christmas tree up and she is just fine with that change. we have people over all the time ans she is ok with that change.


during the work week i getup at 6am and uncover her cage around 6:20 when i go to the kitchen to make coffee. on the weekends she my not get uncovered until 8 am or so. and she has no problems with that.




so yea, change is NOT

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank u all for your comments :)


Well the move went well & we all just love the new house..... Including Coco yay :)

My husband & i actually think coco is more active & defo more vocql since the move, he seems even extra happy than b4

so big smiles all round. Happy new year everyone xx

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Glad to hear things went well. I agree that the key is how you are. If the people they trust and love in the flock are happy and calm, they will be. All Dorian needs when something startles him is to hear "it's ok luv" from me and he carries on with his day.

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