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Chickie is home!!

Life is Greyt

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She was the best Christmas/Birthday present I've ever gotten. Lucky me that she picked me!! :)


Well that answers my question! I was going to ask if you got Chickie locally, or if you got her from a breeder online, ect. It must have been nice to be able to go visit Chickie while she was growing, and being weaned. I wish I could do that with Grimm, but I am thankful to be getting him from such FANTASTIC breeders, and grateful for my updates on him every Sunday. It will be SO CRAZY when I go get him at the airport, I can't even begin to imagine how excited I will be.


I think everyone that was posting waiting on their baby to come home has since gotten their baby. LUCKY! LOL

Hopefully time will go quickly, and he will be home soon. Give Chickie a scritch from me!

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Will do, and don't worry...you'll soon be posting yourself about little Grimm coming home. It feels like time stands still, but it's totally worth the wait. I was very fortunate to have an excellent breeder 40 miles from my house. She is with the Parrot Posse here in St Louis and they are a great group of people that are really dedicated to birds.

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