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Two Faces

Ray P

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The two faces of a zon or grey or macaw or any other parrot you can think of.

When you look at your amazons face what do you see, the face of an angel or the devil.

To the true amazon lover they will see this mystical creature of true beauty that can take your breath away.(the angel)

That`s what I see when I look at Cricket. This is what she has become my mystical beautiful creature.

To others they may see a large beak ear piercing lip ripping creature that is ready to take on anything and everything that might cross their path. (the devil)

There is this large gap between angel and devil and most zons will fall into this gap and they can go eather way and some times they can go both ways at the same time.

Where does your amazon or grey or what other parrot you may have fall in this gap of devil or angel.


Food for thought for humans or creatures


You can take a good person and if you look close you can find something bad about them

You can take a bad person and if you look close you can find something good about them


What you find depends on what you are looking for

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Interesting thread....when I look at Shadow (CAG) I see an Angel...so beautiful and poised. I have also seen the devil....with a beak to be feared. However, as my relationship with Shadow has begun to unfold, I still fear the beak but no longer see the devil. What I now see is an innocent angel trying to find trust in the one who lacks trust in herself. Since I have come to realize that my fear has encouraged her distrust, I no longer fear the devil in my precious girl and I know that now she can begin to trust me as I have learned to trust myself in her presence.

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when I look at Cody I see a little toddler that wants to be with you no matter what room you are in and he will fly to find you :) when I look at Rocky I see a beautiful awsome parrot that enjoys being with you every moment of the day , I don't see the devil in any of my parrots I see beautiful creatures with there own personalities who depend on me and my hubby for companionship and their needs

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When I look at two faces, I see a complex soul that has been able to open his heart a little at a time. Since a month ago when I overcame the fear of the beak Roscoe will "mouth" my fingers intermittently while allowing me to not only pet his head (which he soaks up w/ his eyes closed) but also now is getting into deep neck massages in his thick neck feathers down to his skin. It was as though he waited & has dropped his guard along w/ his devil personality so I could be with him in his world. This beautiful wild creature is truely amazing!!

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Black to white & every shade of Grey in between. Sometimes I'd swear nature color coded these guys to show everyone just how complicated they really are.


Even when Phenix acts like the devil, I have to remember it's usually about his demons. And when he's being an angel, well I can't help but wonder sometimes if there's a reason for that, too.


He is what he is & I just have to love him for it

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Very interesting and thought provoking. :).


When I look at Nilah, I see an angel....she is so loving and affectionate.....she justs wants to be with me, she's very happy and content just to be sitting on me no matter what I am doing, folding laundry, watching tv, cooking, playing on my IPad, practicing my lesson plans for later that day when I go off to work. ( my work is teaching dance and Zumba, so she likes to be on my shoulder when I dance)


I never see a devil unless she is humming while walking around on the floor looking for trouble, and then she looks like a sneaky angel still.......:)



As for my 2 greys, I never see a devil either. They are sweet and independant as long as they are in the same room, but occassionally, they get that sneaky look in their eye as they test me by doing something they are not supposed to....but I find their only fault in doing so is they want to be with me and want my attention.

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My Louie, the zon, is the happiest parrot I have every seen. He never chews on anything but his toys.... okay my cereal box tops when he sneaks on top of the refrigerator!!!! If my greys would leave him alone they wouldn't hear a peep out of him as he lives in his own happy world. Louie tries very hard to please me and I couldn't be any happier than I am with this little clown in my life!!! So devil or angel, nope, just a happy little clown.

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I have to say I loved this thread. I have to agree. Prince, when I have him out he is the sweetest, loving, could never do wrong macaw. Put him in the cage leave for a minute, there goes the door right off the hinges. There goes the food doors to the floor, dumping whatever is in them. Sitting on the top of his cage eating my walls doing the happy dance and laughing and caring on.

Val, she is truly my angel when I open her cage or go any where near it, she bows her head for a little rubbing. Then with a quick turn to my finger with an open beak. Then I get her to step up, and take her to the living room, she looks down the whole time, and poops right on my foot, then laughs and laughs like a child being tickled.


Roy, well, he is Roy!!! tries to feed me every time I get near holds a foot up as to say come get me. lays over for a hug, then a bit. Never hard, just a tasting. Climbs to my shoulder, and lets out a scream. When I cringe he laughs and says bad bad bad. lol

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