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Rockys day out

Codys Mom

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we first started at the bird store to get Rocky a nail trim he loves going to the bird store and saying Hi and Hello to everyone :) then I had to stop at the bank on the way home so I took him inside with me and they just loved him he got tons of attention and we were there for maybe an hour they got him to say Helo and that was it lol but they told me to bring back anytime , he even got a salt free almond to munch on from the bank mamnager lol she just adored him

I picked up some Feather and Shine shampoo at the bird store because I noticed his feathers did look a little dull in the store but maybe it was their lighting not sure anyways according to the directions you use 6 Tablespoons for gallon of water and since we did this in the bathtub I wasn't sure how much to put in so I used 3 Tablespoons in his water but Ia'm not sure this was a goodm idea he got soaking wet then I had to give him a regular shower to rinse it off he seemed a little stressed after this and he did not make a sound which isn't normal for Rocky until I got the vacum cleaner out around 7pm to vacum then he was back to normal

my question is should I use this on him or my other birds again? or is this a bad idea?

not sure which way to go on this ,any advice will help

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You mention a vacum cleaner well whenever my wife vacums Cricket will take a bath and just sing up a storm.

My sister inlaw lives in Florida near Bush Gardons and she said the parrot person there said mix a tablespoon of mouth wash in a spray bottle and mist them with that and it will make there feathers shine. They said the mouth wash is ok for them. I did not try this but my sister inlaw did and she said they looked great after a misting

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I use aloe vera juice on all my parrots. I spray them at least once a week with 1/2 water and 1/2 aloe vera juice. People always comment on how shiny and beautiful my parrots are. I always hear others comment about their grey's dander and I have never experienced this with my greys.

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