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Just a little update.....


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Since we have had our sweet Tia she has held fast to her cage, we have an open cage policy with her, we allow her later in evening to venture out on her own....AFTER we have let our Joker first out for awhile (he has a bit of an ego issue...thinks he owns everything he is on,around or looks at for that matter) This evening was a little different....My Tia normally sits, and sings, whistles and talks asking us questions only if she is on her cage, and unless someone takes her from her cage will she ever venture....I believe after watching Joker she decided she was safe....She flew to the floor and began walking around the living room.....I found it a little funny when she coughed at the dog (who I don't believe even woke up) and then proceeded to find a chair to climb up on, that was close to my husband to ask him what he was doing.... She looked around and started preening a little beak grinding....Its the first time she has ever spoke away from her cage or even ventured on her own...I just wanted to share that she seems to be settling in.

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What progress! This is an AMAZING first step to socialization! It is equivalent in my mind, to "stepup". Your bird has decided to show you, he trusts you. You are worthy of " flock status!" Next time he does it.... take him on a tour of your house. Show him each and every room, things that are important to you, and the history. If he gets anxious... immediately back to cage. Tell him how much fun you had...quick kiss on the beak. Nancy

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