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New Bird - Second Time Around


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Hi all,


It's been over four years since I last logged on. Things have changed here with the site. Some of you may recall I had a new CAG who died about six weeks into ownership. I followed a lady's advice on the internet and fed him garlic (I see the link is still on-line - http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww56e.htm). After necropsy, the vet confirmed the garlic killed our bird. "Why did you feed him garlic? We weren't told otherwise." Needless to say, we were and have been distraught ever since.


About two weeks ago, I happened into the local pet shop and came across 4 month old. He was the remainder of three; the other two have been sold. We started thinking about going the CAG route again and I'm ready to pull the trigger. However, we are headed out for two weeks vacation that had been planned well in advance.


Any thoughts on what to do? Get the bird now, care for him for three weeks then board him? We are fortunate to have a very good bird boarder near us. Or wait until return? I may be able to arrange for the shop to keep him while we're gone though I think the movement/relocation could be equally traumatic.


Any thoughts? All comments welcome. Feels good to be back.


Thank you!

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Hi all,


It's been over four years since I last logged on. Things have changed here with the site. Some of you may recall I had a new CAG who died about six weeks into ownership. I followed a lady's advice on the internet and fed him garlic (I see the link is still on-line - http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww56e.htm). After necropsy, the vet confirmed the garlic killed our bird. "Why did you feed him garlic? We weren't told otherwise." Needless to say, we were and have been distraught ever since.


About two weeks ago, I happened into the local pet shop and came across 4 month old. He was the remainder of three; the other two have been sold. We started thinking about going the CAG route again and I'm ready to pull the trigger. However, we are headed out for two weeks vacation that had been planned well in advance.


Any thoughts on what to do? Get the bird now, care for him for three weeks then board him? We are fortunate to have a very good bird boarder near us. Or wait until return? I may be able to arrange for the shop to keep him while we're gone though I think the movement/relocation could be equally traumatic.


Any thoughts? All comments welcome. Feels good to be back.


Thank you!


That's a tough one. My gut reaction is to leave him until you return from the vacation. On the other hand, I know how tough that is to leave him when he could be home with you. If you could arrange in home care I would say get him now. If not I would say see if the shop can hold him until you return.

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So sorry about the loss of your bird! I cannot imagine your grief. My answer to your question would be to not take the bird until you are back. He (or she) is so young this could be very upsetting to board him or her. Also think about these things- Do you feel a relationship with the bird? Does he react well to you? What makes you think he is the one? Just a few things to consider so you don't make a decision out of haste.

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Welcome back! I am so sorry that you have endured the excruciating loss of your first baby. We went through the loss of two brothers and the necropsy and waiting and it was traumatic and devastating. It is good for you to come back and to know yourself well enough to move forward and understand the joy of sharing your life with another grey. We rehomed a TAG and even though we have a struggle sometimes to gain his trust, it is well worth the effort. Since it is only three weeks before you leave for your vacation, I am of similar thinking to the other opinions so far that if he is in good hands now and is adjusted to his environment, it is likely to be in his best interests and yours to keep him there rather than bring him home and then put him in another place for boarding. Maybe you could visit him often in the next three weeks and then bring him home fresh when you return from vacation. I know if it were me, making the decision to try again, I would be excited and want to bring him home right now. But then, I would likely spoil my own vacation by worrying and wishing I was home with him. It would be a tough decision either way. You will get it sorted and it will just be a little bump in the road. Once you are home again and are enjoying your little one, it will all be behind you and you will be sharing a lifetime with him. What are you thinking to name him?

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I am a new owner myself, so I won't give advice, just tell you a similar situation I had and how it worked out...I re-homed a 3 year old CAG and baby CAG before I went on a week long vacation...The older bird I had home for just shy of 2 months and the baby, just shy of a month...I took them both to the breeder where I purchased my baby for her to "bird sit" while I was gone. Things worked out wonderfully for me...My breeder told me that getting the babies used to different situations is actually good for them, gets them to be less nervous and less likely to be upset over new things. (before I brought my baby home, the breeder had also taken him to bird shows) and he is a very happy boy and he couldn't care less about changes in his environment. My 3 year old did just fine also, no problems...


Good luck with what ever choice you make!

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Thanks for the thoughts.


I'm not one to purchase from apet store. However, this store sources birds from a local breeder. Hand rears and feeds their birds and seem truly caring about their birds' welfare. This particular one is very sweet. Hops up readily and just hangs out. He's still a baby yet he's already starting to talk at four months which I think is really unusual. My concern is leaving him in the pet store is more exposure to different uncontrolled (v. my home) influences. And yes there is a bit of let's-bring-the-bird-home-now sentiment.

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Maunaolu... I am so sorry for your loss! I am sooo glad you are ready to try being a parent again. In my mind, as my birdstore is very reputable, I don't see any reason why NOT to buy from a petstore, if you trust them. If you have decided this baby is for you.... buy and adopt them. Visit constantly, spend time. If you are going on vacation, by all means... go! Have fun! Absolutely... do NOT take baby home, until your home. They are comfortable, and use to the routine. Do NOT upset their routine, until you are home. Having a person to " care", for your bird, is absolutely the biggest mistake. When you get home... go get your bird. First bonding experience, needs to be with you. Nancy

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you posted this 2 weeks ago so have you bought the CAG?


also out of pure curiosity for me because im still learning about parrots is why did you give your bird garlic? was it based totally upon that link you posted that garlic was good for parrots?

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Hi Carlsjr


When we received my bird, we were advised and had read to share your daily activities with it. Monte usually hung around the counters, desks and our shoulders. When we ate, he ate, usually a piece of fruit or vegetables or dried pasta - whatever. One night I was preparing pasta. He was on my shoulder and as I peeled garlic he hopped down to see what it was. He came to my hand and clearly wnated to try the clove. I put him down and went on-line to see whether parrots eats garlic and found Carolyn Swicegood's. After reading (and not finding others) that I gave him the clove which he gobbled up. Two days later, he was dead on the bottom of the cage. I've tried to contact her since with no luck. Maybe he was too young to eat such a strong food. Needless to say, lesson (painful) learned.


As for the newbie, we haven't decided. Last time I went in he was a little bitey. S/he was the third and last remaining of the hatchlings. The employee there who I hadn't seen before and seems to be the most parrot-wise of the group said this newbie is a little more withdrawn and mellower than the other two. The others were swinging from fingers/hands and much more active which could explain why this one is the last. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Newbie is talking and is very alert as he watches everything I or my partner are doing.


We haven't decided yet to purchase and have the store hold him before we leave.

...I guess another visit is due!

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