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A short update on us;-)


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Well, long time no see! I missed you guys a lot! There was soooo much going on that I didn't have time to check the computer..:-S I work in three schools and the boyfriend is out of the picture so lot of new stuff happened. Since there is just Zak and me, he became much more easygoing. Much, much less aggression. To be perfectly honest, he is cuddly and grinding his beak most of the time:-D I have a hectic schedule but we are getting used to it. There is no problem in putting Zak into the cage even if I let him out only for 45minutes..

Washing dishes became our thing. He sits on my shoulder and I talk to him and usually ask: who is such a good birdie helping me out with the dishes and he usually answers with a wolf whistle because he refers to himself:-P New progress is that we do not bathe in our living room anymore..- we are moving toward splashing in the shower.. Not there yet.. We have regularly baths.. I say we, because Zak flaps his wing so hard when he bathes (from excitement) that I am usually as wet as he is..Lol He is playful and healthy. Missing the natural sunbathing tho..

Two days ago I ordered a bunch of toys and other goodies for Zak and as Christmas brake is getting near, we'll start some serious training:-) He barks a bit more, sings a bit-it sounds horrible Lol and last week when we were washing dishes I was chatting away. In one moment he called out my name and I said what is it sweety pie? And Zak said: Be quiet! Looool

Well, that is it for now.. Here are some new pictures..




Edited by Morana
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You have had a lot of changes going on in your life. I am so happy to hear that Zak is so well adjusted and that is a tribute to your hard work and consistency with him. Forum posts can wait while you make necessary changes that are for your future, but it sure was nice to see pictures and hear from you again. Isn't it wonderful to have Zak in your life and to have such a loving relationship with him? He is beautiful and you deserve accolades for the giving him your best during trying times. It is a positive affirmation of your love and devotion to him and a gift you give to yourself. Those moments when you relax and give him your full attention are what keeps your bond strong. Kudos!

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I don't have a dishwasher & my fids enjoy doing dishes w/me, too. It gives everyone some "fun" time w/me while I multitask. On a good day I might even get to slip in a bath somewhere along the way.


Glad to hear things sound like they're going pretty well overall. Sorry about the BF. Sounds like Zak "knew it all along", though. Hopefully, he'll approve of the next one. :)


Zak's pics look great. Is it just the lighting, or has his feather color evened out?

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Wow, I haven't heard this much praise since...well, -never!:-P Maybe it is a bit premature.. Haven't done that much really. Think the biggest thing was that my ex moved out so Zak was less frustrated and we weren't going back and forth any more about raising Zak.. But he is beautiful, right? hihi Thank you:-) He is better adjusted but still rather far from how he should be..

I am very enthusiastic about spending some one on one with him, at last! :-) I think we'll have much fun..especially when the toys arive;-)


Today (in the early morning) I was almost late for work because Zak wanted to cuddle! Lol He fluffed up, wouldn't raise his head back and wouldn't take no as an answer. Unfortunately, I really had to go so our cuddly time was cut short.. ...and of course, now he is right here with me writing this;-)

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Oh Zak adored/s my ex! I think he would have traded me for him in a heart beat but my bf wasn't that fond of him. He basically thought Zak was JUST a bird.. :-S Even now, every time an elevator comes on my floor he flips because he thinks it is my bf coming.. Sad really..

The feathers have less spots but he still has them.. It doesn't seam to progress. The lighting in the picture is not very good..

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Oh, sorry. I thought you were saying Zak had been more relaxed & open since he'd left. Didn't realize you meant Zak figured he actually had some time for you now.


Hopefully Zak will see how much better it is w/someone who doesn't think he's just a bird & get over it. Meanwhile, at least he knows he's got you & will get some time to appreciate it.

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He has been more open and relaxed. You see, Zak fell in love with my bf but since my ex couldn't reciprocate Zak was frustrated. Also, my bf couldn't and wouldn't read Zaks body language so there were many misunderstandings which ended with zak being aggressive. But Zak still adores him..


Don't understand this sentence: Didn't realize you meant Zak figured he actually had some time for you now.


I hope also that next time it will be mutual respect and love involved;-)

Zak appreciates the time with me because he has no one else at the moment:-P Kidding a bit..but of course I'm gonna take the advantage of this situation and work wit Zak and spend as much time with him as I can;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Zak is a beautiful bird...


He thinks so too;-P Lol His favorite question is: Who is a pretty bird? (in a singing voice).. Of course my reply is Zak is the pretty bird and there goes his wolf whistle.. Then some variations of the same question but mainly he is concerned that he is the prettiest bird in the whole wide world! Lol

Sometimes he feels so good about himself that he praises himself and reminds me by saying: Zak is a good bird, pretty bird and so on, and on,.. and on.. ;-P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well guys, I totally forgot to tell you!! - just a day or two after I originally posted this thread my things that I ordered for Zak came. I ordered some food, mainly toys from a MySafeBirdStore as someone of you (think it was MarcusCag) said it is a really good store. I must say, service was impeccable. I exchanged lots of emails with the owner and she tried to help in any way possible. Everything came as ordered and what surprised me mostly, everything was soooo beautifully wrapped like I was buying a present for someones anniversary and not just toys for my parrot friend! Every single toy wrapped nicely in purple decor paper, everything neatly placed in two bags tied with purple bows and on top of it, everything covered with red like vine decor paper. I was so thrilled that I didn't even go to get a camera to take pictures.. I just sat down on the floor and carefully started opening Zak presents!! :-) ..just thought you should know..;-)

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Well guys, I totally forgot to tell you!! - just a day or two after I originally posted this thread my things that I ordered for Zak came. I ordered some food, mainly toys from a MySafeBirdStore as someone of you (think it was MarcusCag) said it is a really good store. I must say, service was impeccable. I exchanged lots of emails with the owner and she tried to help in any way possible. Everything came as ordered and what surprised me mostly, everything was soooo beautifully wrapped like I was buying a present for someones anniversary and not just toys for my parrot friend! Every single toy wrapped nicely in purple decor paper, everything neatly placed in two bags tied with purple bows and on top of it, everything covered with red like vine decor paper. I was so thrilled that I didn't even go to get a camera to take pictures.. I just sat down on the floor and carefully started opening Zak presents!! :-) ..just thought you should know..;-)


Zak is beautiful, and don't you just love getting those boxes?! It is like Christmas every single time :)

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I got a box from the same same site a week or so ago, and it was wrapped up so wonderfully as ell, jut the same as yours. It is nice to know that they take the time to make sure all of your order is there, and to wrap it up so nicely. I will definitely be going back as well. :)

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Well, we sure know who is looking out for me. I've been (a bit) sick for more than a month now-sore throat, headaches, fatigue, coughing a lot but I couldn't stay home because of the kids in school. I wanted to finish what I started. So finally yesterday my body just gave up. I developed fever, couldn't get up from the bed any more, slept the whole afternoon and do you all know what Zak did? He stayed by me the whole time, giving me kisses from his perch for about two hours and when he saw I can't keep my eyes open any more he became very quiet and just sat there watching me. He watched for me the whole time I slept, till 10pm. When I got up he came to investigate a bit and cuddled a lot till we went to bed (both of us). Today, I spent all day in bed and in the semi dark he was just standing still and quiet just watching me, like making sure I was ok. I was sleeping most of the time and he wouldn't move from his spot and disturb me. He is a real support and I love him so much. It would be hard to get well without him. Zak is such a good boy:-)

I now how special this is-that he is watching out for me because he is rarely still and quiet which is very unusual for him-he is always bugging me to play or something and now he is respecting my needs so much that I'm a bit astound. No high pitch sounds,talking, landing on me..-nothing, just peace and quiet till I come to him and then he wants to cuddle:-)

Just wanted to share..and off to bed again..

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Your ex, is an ex. Of course your bird LOVED him, but bird knows who is important, and stable in his life. You! Ryan, my 20 yr old son, is truly a " bird whisperer". She loves him so much. She will " regurg"... he see's it coming... tells her, " I'm good, Sophie!" I tell him to accept her gift, even if it is on his lap. She is pleased! Sophie is bonded to Ryan. He DOES take it seriously, understands the importance to never reject her. Nancy

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Well Nancy; I officially have no idea what are you talking about. Wanna clarify that a bit?

If there was some kind of misunderstanding here's the explanation: what I wrote last was just an update, not tied to the story before it;-)

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I know this is late but thanks so much for the wonderful update on Zak, don't know how I missed this but until just recently I have been somewhat absent from the forum. I am trying to catch up and found this and wanted to comment.

Yes you may be the only one in Zak's life right now but he knows you love him unconditionally and he is attuned to your feelings, that is evident in how he has reacted to your being under the weather, he loves you even though he may have preferred your bf when he was around but then greys are fickle when it comes to their favored person, I think he knows what side of the bread is buttered.

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I know this is late but thanks so much for the wonderful update on Zak, don't know how I missed this but until just recently I have been somewhat absent from the forum. I am trying to catch up and found this and wanted to comment.
Of course it is not late to comment;-) Thank you so much for the kind words:-) We were also absent for few months and just trying to catch up a bit too;-)

I think he knows what side of the bread is buttered.
- Yes, the side that always falls on the floor facing down:p


PS: and Judy....we are still waiting on that picture of you ;)

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