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Got some couple of question plzz help


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hello everyone..

so heres my problems..

#1 every time i take my cag shower he shakes after the shower is that normal ?

or it is because of the winter is here ? any ideas ?


#2 his about 7 months old and he likes being picked up n sit on shoulder all the time

he whines (cry) everytime i put him back on his cage

he doesnt play with his toys either :( any ideas ?



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You are all lucky, that your grey will shower.... believe me! Shaking after the shower, is very normal. You should live thru an Amazon shower! LOL If you can get your grey to shower ( I believe is an amazing feat), try blowdrying after. My Amazon LOVES it! I know she only showers, to receive the blowdrying spa treatment after. I enjoy it as well, as my Amazon will spread her wings, show me all her beautiful feathers. My grey Sophie, will NOT shower, no matter what we do. My trimmer, takes action, and cleans her. She feels she is being murdered, and have never been able to shower her. Sophie LOVES watching Kiki and Sunny shower, getting blowdryed. She will NOT participate beyond watching. As Sophie, is an amazing grey, we decided a long time ago, to not make showering stressful. When she gets her beak and nails trim, she knows her bird trimmer is going to shower her. She's okay with that, certainly I'm okay with that. Sophie is a fantastic grey, and if showering, is the only thing she requests we DON"T do... I'm okay with that! She knows she's going to have to do it eventually... She's okay with that! Nancy

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As far as no interest in toys, that is normal, especially for a baby. I agree, try playing with the toys together. Sophie never really was crazy about wood toys. She is more interested in anything she can shred. Try pinatas. Sophies favorite toy, is her personalized checkbook. While I do my bills, she has her own pretend checkbook. We do our bills together. Sophie loves anything she can shred, but loves to shred anything that is important to me.

Sophie will never be over excited about any of my new toys. We learned a long time ago, we as a family, were her toys! We get that now. The moment we walk in the door... she is out, and part of the family. She wants to cook, wants to taste. If there is a party, it should be about her. Sophie is just a third child in our family. She is the youngest, and most spoiled! Nancy

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Why would you blow dry a bird? Isn't the whole point of showering that the bird gets soaked and dries up slowly, letting the water soothe the skin? Blow dryer dries the skin back again. I see how feathers on my birdie, after bathing, become more shiny,and my hair after blow drying it does not. Actually it becomes more raggedy. Not to mention it is far from natural..

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Blow drying your bird will make their skin dry and itchy. That's the last thing you want with a grey since they have a tendancy to be pluckers anyway.


If your bird starts chewing on your ears you should quietly remove him from your shoulder. Ignore him for a minute or two to think about it and then let him back on. You may have to repeat it 20 times, but he'll get the idea that it is not allowed.

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As I have no experience with blowfrying a grey, thanks all for your response! I can't even get to the shower! You guys know more than I ever will. I only have experience blowdrying my Amazon. She LOVES it. ( Amazons are very tough to dry!) I suspect they have more natural oil. They also have a certain musty smell, that actually gets worse after a shower. I've heard people complain about it, but I LOVE it. I like to believe, she smells like the Amazon.

My rescue sunconure, LOVES the shower, but gets dried naturally. Nancy

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