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Louie's Thanksgiving Gift!!


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As you all know, I have a beautiful male BF amazon that is almost 4 years old and has been with me for 1 1/4 years. A re-cap is that Louie will not let me touch him at all. No tickles, head scratches, nada. Louie does follow me around my home, he is fully flighted and has never been clipped. However lately Louie has been diving at me and veering off before hitting me. He also comes at me from behind and lands on my back/head. Very unsettling at first. I have, however, learned to hold my ground and not move. Success!!!!


Thanksgiving day Louie landed on my lap and just sat there looking at me and tipping his head as if fascinated with my face. I did not try to touch Louie because if I make any moves toward him he will bite or fly off. Biting is his defense and I only try once in a blue moon to touch him to see if he is ready, but so far not yet.


Anyhow, I just wanted to share Louie's and my progress, slow but sure wins the race. But this is a L O N G, L O N G race!!!!


Edited by luvparrots
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I'm so very happy for you, Janet!!! I watched in your videos where you offer the back of your hand to Louie on his boing & have to tell him "no bite". It's wonderful that he's flying to be with you... Baby steps, it sounds like you & Louie have connected!! He looks curious in your picture too.

It's taken me almost 2 yrs. for Roscoe to let me pet his head & give neck scritches without a sucker bite. Maybe by the 2 year mark Louie will allow you too. I very much agree it's a loooooooooooong journey but slowly IT IS coming true...


Congratulations again on your progress!!! :)

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So happy for you and Louie. They have their own timeline, as I learned with our rescue Sunconure. Routine, repitition, no straying from your beliefs, makes all the difference in the world! As I have had my birds for past 12 years.... I never stray from my decisions. They all know what to expect from me. It has always made them feel safe. They know I won't give an inch. Once in awhile, they are forced into an uncomfortable decision. ( I'm not there!) They will yell " Rom... rom... come now!" I always come. If I'm not home, one of my children comes. They accept them as well. Nancy

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Thanks everyone!!!! Louie is such a joy in my life. He is so different from my greys and he is certainly his own man! I have replaced many a ceiling toy hook with heavy and stronger ceiling hooks because this guy is very rough on any toy and they come crashing down. He swings and twirls around on the ceiling boings as if he were an acrobat. He certainly a very happy guy and a blessing to have around!

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