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Thanksgiving Day with our Amazon!


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Just wanted to share what life in my house is like on Thanksgiving as I try and prepare dinner for our guest and family.


I woke up at 7am to prepare the turkey and put it in the oven. Other than taking the dogs out, feeding the cat and then the dogs, all was quite. Kids still sleeping, birdies still covered and in their cages. Did all the usual morning chores, fresh food and water in all the bird play stands, trees etc. then off to take a shower ALONE without birds for a change!

Next I decided to peel and cut all the potatoes before the birds get up and I have to fight with them to keep them away from the raw potatoes...:( finished with the then off to get the birds out of their cages for our usual mess of morning oatmeal and toast all over the kitchen table while the dogs wait for them to drop pieces all over the floor for them.


Next comes the dreaded time to TRY and set the table.......heres where the fun begins....:). I put the fancy tablecloth on the dining room table, then start putting the fancy plates on the table. By now Nilah has decided to walk all over the table and check out this new 'thing' on HER table. Just then, the cat decides to jump up on the table, and the shock of a tablecloth sent her claws out and immediately jumping back onto the floor taking half the tablecloth with her and Nilah flying as well. Okay, fix the tablecloth and reposition the plates, next got out the miniature salt and pepper shakers for each person and neatly placed them in front of their plates. Nilah quickly ran over to them and picked them up one at a time and dropping the onto the table to spill them everywhere.

Next came the silverware,here I am running back and forth from the kitchen with forks, knives and spoons while Nilah was trying to rearrange them on the table. Back and forth I went from the kitchen to the dining room shooing her off every 2 minutes and refixing her mess. This went on all morning, me trying to cook, but peeking in every few minutes to see what mess she had made. She went from throwing the butter knives on the floor, to clanging glasses, to chewing the candlesticks, to tossing napkins onto the floor. All the time, I'm running in and yelling at her or shooing her off! She would then fly to the top of her cage and yell, "NO! BAD BIRD! NO NO NO! STOP IT! THAT'S BAD!!! BAD BIRD BAD BIRD BAD BIRD"!

Well, I managed to finish cooking dinner, as the guests were arriving, the birds went into their cages and dinner survived!


Some people want to know the differences between an amazon and greys.....? Well, during this whole crazy fiasco, my greys were sitting on the window sill or the back of the chairs being entertained by Nilal and me! Who's smarter? It sure isn't me!!!!!

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Thats funny and I think our birds are flip flop from yours. Corky our grey is always the one in trouble and crickets best spot is on my shoulder, her safe spot.

Corky gets into every thing. I am not going to say Cricket is a angel but when you say no Cricket will stop.

NOW when they pair up that`s a differant story, all hell breaks out.

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You probably can't go wrong with an Amazon or grey. EXCEPT... Amazons are more vocal. Tend to be more scittish. Greys have more intelligence. I'm lucky to have both. Kiki our Amazon, gets more time to scream at the top of her lungs... between 3-4pm. Sophie our grey, is not allowed to imitate Kiki during this hour. Its Kiki's time to shine! Its Amazon time! Sophie, our grey, understands Kiki time. She is not allowed to imitate Kiki during this time. It is Kiki's hour. It works for us. Both our birds are important to us. Nancy

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