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HELP!!!!!! my CAG eats only sunflower seeds!!!!!


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Hey all,

First of all my name is Zeid and i have no experiences with pets before, I got a 1 year old CAG 5 weeks ago from a pet store, after watching thousands of videos on youtube and i wanted to get one....anyways He was wild and kept screaming whenever anything got near him. I named him Benguin, The pet store told me just to feed him sunflower seeds...and i did as he told me.....but after researching about greys, i read that sunflower seeds isnt a healthy diet, so i tried feeding Benguin apples, grapes, sweet potatoes, bananas, nuts, rice, pasta, chicken, beef, carrots but she never accepted anything!!!!! benguin keeps throwing them. I dont know what to do any1 can help me????

I managed to tame him a little.


***here are the things i managed to achieve with him:

1. he dosent scream anymore

2. he allows me and anyone to feed, touch and scratch him

3. he can step up with one foot on my finger and eat a seed

4. i open his cage and he stands out on his perch and play around out for about 7 hours a day and i put him back to his cage to sleep at night (using towel since he doesnt allow me to carry him, neither accepts to step up)

5. he never bites any hand that gets around him... he only bites when i try to stretch his wings or try to grab him (he doesnt bite when i ask him to step up.... he just ignores my hand)


***Things i have worries about:

1. His diet issue

2. is his progress good enough in 5 weeks???

3. Benguin doesnt make any noises.....( i only heard him whistle 8 times since i got him)

4. He doesnt step up


by the way i dont know benguin's sex


Sorry for the long text....but i am so worried.....Thank you in advance =D



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congrats on your new baby! the most important pieces of advice i can offer is have patience (i know easier said than done), remain calm, read everything you can and don't be afraid to ask questions.


patience is the biggest thing. you have to keep offering the healthier foods, even eat the fruits and veggies in front of him and show him they're yummy. you can try cooking, steaming, raw, whole, chopped, minced, etc. read the safe foods lists in the forum, there's even recipes you can make to try some new food in on the forum. read as much as you can about everything else, this forum has great people and resources.


he's still learning to trust you, his new surroundings, etc. sit and read to him, sing songs for him, talk to him and let him make the decision of how much and when he will open up his trust to you. it could take time, but patience is needed and it will be rewarded. as he gets comfortable, you can work more on other stuff. we've had kallie for 6 months and still have to bribe her (she hates the towel, we only use it in an emergency) with a treat to go back into her cage and she still won't step up except on a rare occasion (she prefers to fly to our head, then slide down to our shoulder, but is increasingly flying to a chair to land now). you have just started on a journey that will last years and years and like a child, he will learn as he gains trust and confidence in not just you, but himself and his surroundings.


at some point you'll need to get him checked out at the vet and that's where you can discuss dna testing to see if you have a boy or girl.


i hope this is helpful and i know others much more knowledgable will offer you advice and tips as well!!

Edited by thenabrd
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I second the congratulations on your "new" baby! I also have struggled with a parrot that was on a poor diet before I came along, and thankfully fate has brought you into this birds life for a better and happier chance.

I would go out and get yourself some pellets to introduce to Benguin, mix them in with the sunflower seeds, so that Benguin will recognize it as a food substance. If he has never had anything else, then he will NOT know it is food, and consumable. Also, stay away from any of the food items that are on this list http://www.parrotpal.com/dangerous-foods-for-parrots.


I agree with taking him to a vet as soon as possible, it is important to find out the health issues that is going on with him because of the sunflower seed only diet. There may be some serious vitamin deficiencies that need to be addressed. Your vet will be able to draw blood, and tell you everything you need to know.

Benguin is getting used to the new surroundings, and it's not uncommon for a new bird to go through the "honeymoon" phase and act very shy, and well behaved. It isn't until time has passed, and the bird gets comfortable, then you get to see the true personality of your feathered friend. Try and find a good "treat only" food that you can use strictly for training, my birds like dehydrated banana's. I take a slice, and crumble up into small pieces, because large amounts are fattening. They know it's "time to learn" when I pull out the container.


I would grab a book, open the cage door, and read to Benguin. Every time he comes to you, give him the treat. Positive reinforcement is the key. This will encourage a bond between the two of you, and he will look forward to your one on one time. Until you form a secure bond with Benguin, training is rather moot. You can't rush them, just like they can't rush you. When he gets comfortable with you, then stretch the boundaries a little, but don't go too fast. Before you know it he will start imitating your voice, the microwave, and things he hears on television. Speaking of noises, leave a radio, or tv on when you are gone, so he has "someone" to keep him company. My birds have a tv in their bird room that I leave on the classic cartoon channel, its so funny to hear the noises they have picked up on.

Most Importantly... Remember you are going to have a LONG life with your parrot, and you have plenty of time.... so don't rush making a lifetime bond with your companion parrot.


Try these two books, they made a huge difference in my training, and knowledge of parrots:





Best of Luck!!

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If my parrots could eat only what they wanted, they would eat seeds all day too. I feed my parrots the things I want them to eat for breakfast, first thing in the morning when they are hungriest. I find I have the most success then. I do not give me parrots sunflowers as sunflowers are full of fats. They like safflower seeds which are low in fats and very good for them.


You new CAG is still getting acquainted so I wouldn't worry about his talking and let him settle in more. Just keep talking to him so he can relax. It takes time for some CAGs to feel welcome so enjoy the getting to know time.

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Hey all, I tried some of the stuff you suggested..... I only feed him a specific quantity of sunflower seeds now.... and yesterday when he was at his perch i used the step up benguin used to do (to only step with one foot on my finger and raised my hand a bit and he stepped up!!!!!!! =D and i did it multiple times... =D

Thank you all for your help....this is really a great forum!!!! am gonna send a picture later today with Benguin steeping up

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wow! Serious progress, in a short time! You've got a serious jem! Are you ready? Diet.... hit the bird store. Pellot diet, as well as fresh fruits and veggies. Offer it over and over... don't get sucked up into refusal. Baby will coat the walls, with refusal of the diet. Repeat it. OVER and OVER! Been there, done it! Change it. Stick by your guns! You provide the diet! Nancy

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Hey Nancy!! so benguin is doing great progress!?!?!? =D I haven't started with changing his sun flower seeds yet.... but i am feeding him 3 times a day of sunflower seeds in his box.....and give him more by hand if he is gd...and its working he is stepping up already on my hand...on my brother's hand and others!!! he is also doing the continuous stepping up from hand to hand =D I was kind of busy for the last week because am getting a new car and i also have exams at uni!!! i guess i am going to get him some safflower seeds tomorrow...and try to start introducing benguin to new vegetables and fruits!!!

Wish me luck!! =D

Thanks all =D


Edited by 7abasheeko
Here is Benguin stepping up!!! :)
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