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Sterling Gris is Trouble Again


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So I was having a very pleasant quiet morning when all of a sudden I hear this parrot screaming and flapping around with pure terror in his voice. With my heart in my throat and terrible thoughts running through my mind and visions of disaster in my sights I ran to the bird room. All is quiet with Louie and Ana Grey but Sterling is thrashing around as if he were dying!!!!! I quickly open the cage door and there is my sweet Sterling thrashing and clawing around at the top of the cage ceiling he has his beak caught in one of those screwing toy hangers and he is struggling to free himself.


Janet to the rescue!!!!!! I knew I was in for numerous scratches and bites but I couldn't let Sterling break some part of his beak or leg or any part really!!!!! So I cuddled him in one hand and as he scratched and clawed I found the lock on the toy hanger and opened it enough for Sterling to free his beak. Then of course, I got a bite, because whose fault was it that Sterling got caught????? Why mine, of course!!!!!


Sterling is fine and has forgiven me. I'm just grateful that I hadn't left for the store yet and was there to "save" the day!!!!


Sterling's nick name is "Bam Bam" because he is a big clumsy fool. Remember it was Sterling that got his leg all tangled up in that chain months before. I guess it's a guy thing!!! LOL!!!!


Needless to say, I spent several minutes checking all the locking toy hangers in all the cages and at all the perches to make sure they were all locked nice and tight!!!!

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Just found your thread, Janet!!! My Oh My... Your little Bam Bam sure gets himself into some strange situations!!! It IS a good thing he has had you around to rescue him.


I checked all the toys & attachments to be sure everthing was OK. I hope you motivated all of us to do that!!! Sorry you had to go thru all that but very glad both of you are ok :)

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