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I need some help on this issue....


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I have a few questions that I kinda need answered...Hoping you all can help...I have my CAG (Tia) across the room from my mini Macaw (Joker). split floor house with very open area...I have Tia on one end of the house, Joker at the other...They can see each other but haven't gotten TOO close...Tia is in the dining room and Joker is in the living room...I am having Turkey day at my house this year and I have a space and I need to move Tia, it's close to Joker...SO here are my questions...How do I do that without causing issues, and possibly creating a plucker...should I just do it? and hope for the best (It's only temporary)...If there is issues...what do I do then? try a different spot? Could someone help please??

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Tias just place a cove over the side of the cage that faces the other bird and act like everything is normal. If you are not stressed out your birds are less likely to get upset. You will have a houseful of people so everything will be different and exciting -lots of distractions happening.

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I need to do it for a few days....will that be an issue? I need to get the dining room ready and everything set up...I usually let the birds out at the same time, should I change this routine? only letting one out at a time? My Joker roams, and may get on Tias cage...however my Tia has only ventured from her cage a time or two....what should I do? I'm making all the changes tomorrow..

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our girls are on each side of the picture window in our living room. (there's a front porch, so they're sort of "protected") they're maybe 3' apart. they watch each other and interact so to speak. we've not let them out together at the same time unless one of them is going upstairs with one of us. we've only had kallie about 6 months. when it's just me, i let them out 1 at a time, usually athena first, since she's the bird we've had first. athena had been an only bird until kallie. kallie was in a home with 2 other birds.


kallie does sometimes show an interest in athena's cage, so i'm just vigilant while she's out. once in a while she finds a way to sneak onto athena's cage, but i gently shoo her off, telling her no, that's not your house. she'll fly a circle around the room then land on her own cage. then she struts around like she's really gotten away with something and she's very proud of herself! she's quite the character, lol!


explain to them what you're doing and why. give them a bit of extra attention/scratches and maybe an extra treat during all the "new" going on. you may find that they really enjoy being closer together. i agree, if it is stressful, you can put up a sheet or something between them to shield them from each other. or maybe arrange their toys in a way they can "hide" from each other and the world inside their cage.

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I am just making an assuption...I don't want the craziness to make Tia so nervous that she begins to pluck....We havent had her for very long and we are making some big changes, thats all. I don't want to regress from the progress that we have made with her....a smooth transition is all I want for her.....As far as not liking each other...Tia would prefer to stay away from Joker, however Joker is curious of her...and has actually went for her a couple times (which I was there to defend Tia ofcourse)

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Unfortunately... you are responsible for dinner with a possible " cost", to the bird enviroment. NOT worth it!D on't try to establish something, that doesn't exist! My family has understood for years! ( i'm sure they didn't get it, but understood!)

Once I did have dinner, or my family visit, Sophie was excited to meet them. They were scared at first, but eventually, they got to know Sophie. They now know her so well, its not an issue anymore. Sophie has been my baby for years. We balanced it out. I was always the youngest that "LOVED" animals. They learned to accept what was important to me. They like Sophie so much now, they come to visit often.They don't fear her, nor do they freak out if they find Kiki sleeping on their shoulder. ( kiki really likes my brother-in-law) Nancy

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Well I went ahead and moved her cage, it's fairly close but not TOO close, She has been very quiet, but I think she likes it ok, its in front of one of the windows... She seems content, and quiet (which I expected) I'm hoping once my husband gets home she will be a little more responsive...

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Seems to be working fine, I think she likes the fact that she can see more of the room, and out the window...She is much more talkative now....She was quite entertaining for most of the evening...and being able to "hide" when she felt uncomfortable worked out far better than I had hoped!

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