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How cool is this tat?


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That does look more like body painting than a tattoo but I have two tattoos that I got late in life and have never regretted getting them but agree they are not for everyone.

If that is a tattoo imagine what that will look like in ten, twenty years or more, I shudder to think!

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That does look more like body painting than a tattoo but I have two tattoos that I got late in life and have never regretted getting them but agree they are not for everyone.

If that is a tattoo imagine what that will look like in ten, twenty years or more, I shudder to think!

lol dang I missed the pic they were showing but I shutter to think by your response what it was LOL ....


Body tats are definately not for everyone I agree. I have 9 that are all well hidden under my work clothes so I still look all professional at work. I love tattoos, my whole family does. Hubby has 5, son1 has 2 and son2 has 1 :D


Heck I even thought how totally cool to get a pic of my fid ;) somewhere on my body!!!!!

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Aerial,I have 8 as well. Some hidden, some not, but all nicely done and very tactful in my opinion. It's funny, I got these tattoos when I was in my early 20's. One is a wrist bracelet of small flowers, one is a small butterfly on my other hand and a flower signature type line on the top of the same hand.

Tattoos had been illegal in the state i live in at that time, sowe had to travel out of state to get one. So, only bikers, ( yes i had a motorcycle too, but was not a biker girl) Soon after I got those, I opened a dance studio in a stuffy, snobby town, people were offended by anyone with a tattoo. I had the worst stares when ever they saw my hands, I was able to cover the others, but not my hands. They looked at me like I had some kind of offensive disease........:)

Fast forward 25 years, tattoos are now legal here, many parents now have tattoos. It has become quite common and no big deal. Kind of funny...:)

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I love tattoos as well, and so does my husband. We have a lot of major artwork on our bodies...even my right arm is in a full sleeve :)

oh man ... I wanted to to from my shoulder to my elbow .... but with my work I gotta be a lil more reserved but I love the artwork specially when they tell a story :D thinking maybe I get one when my baby gets home :D

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Aerial,I have 8 as well. Some hidden, some not, but all nicely done and very tactful in my opinion. It's funny, I got these tattoos when I was in my early 20's. One is a wrist bracelet of small flowers, one is a small butterfly on my other hand and a flower signature type line on the top of the same hand.

Tattoos had been illegal in the state i live in at that time, sowe had to travel out of state to get one. So, only bikers, ( yes i had a motorcycle too, but was not a biker girl) Soon after I got those, I opened a dance studio in a stuffy, snobby town, people were offended by anyone with a tattoo. I had the worst stares when ever they saw my hands, I was able to cover the others, but not my hands. They looked at me like I had some kind of offensive disease........:)

Fast forward 25 years, tattoos are now legal here, many parents now have tattoos. It has become quite common and no big deal. Kind of funny...:)


wow that just came totally round didnt it? my best friend is very offended by tattoos but I told her 2 summers ago .... its not on your body so what is your problem lol ... its a choice yanno? and ALL of mine are so so very special tributes from the one on my back for my father that passed away 5 yrs ago to the hearts/locks that symbolize my 2 children to me on my arm :D


My mother is very old school and that wasnt acceptable in "her day" and she'd never get one and doesnt believe in them but after seeing mine and the artwork she atleast sees the beauty in them :D Im totally jonesin' for a new one LOL!!!!!!!

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Is funny the different opinions our parents generation has. My father was appalled when I first got them. He said, " how much did that cost?" and was floored when I told him. He said, " you spent how much. What a waste of money" and then some derogatory things...I came back with this, "well Dad, at least I have something to show for my money for the rest of my life. You spend all your money on beer, and what do you have to show for it?" he never said anything again! Yup, he raised a smart daughter!!! LOL

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