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the joy, that I found in a Grey

Shelly Yokum

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Most of you all know that this years has been very rough for me, and have dealt with a lot of losses. I do get a great joy, from my fids. My little Val is now about 9.5 months old. She never shuts up. LOL she talks, she whistles, she screams, she even thinks she is a macaw at times. Thank God not the volume of one thou. I love to hear her talk, she says hello like a broken record at times. If I give her something to eat she ask is that good, before trying it. Once she tries a bite, she will say mmmm good. She loves her treats and she has even asked by using please. She called me mommy once, and that just made my day.

I think most of her talking is coming from the big boys. Who cares, she is such a delight. She is not much for being held or cuddled. She loves for me to scratch her head. She loves to fly, but still has crash landings. This is just an update on an upbeat.

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It is a tribute to you as you are living in such trying times that your flock is cheerful and talkative and giving you encouragement. If we could look inside their minds I am sure they are all thinking the world is a wonderful place because you are in their lives. Val sounds like such a happy little ray of sunshine in your life just when you need her the most.

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