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Cricket`s Quirk

Ray P

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Cricket is very good when it comes to taking her out of her cage. She will step up from any perch.

99% of the time we will tell her to go to her door perch. We have a perch on her door so she will swing out of the cage and than she can step up. Her quirk is when you say Cricket do you want out she will run and I mean run to her door perch, but first she will stop at her food dish and pick up a food pellet and carry it with her to the door perch. If she is already on the door perch she will run over to her food dish and pick up a pellet and come back to the perch, and than she will throw the pellet at you as if to say here is your treat now let me out.

Edited by Ray P
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Has Cricket been talking to Gilbert? When I came home after a summer away with Gil, he was grumpy about the change and wasn't coming out of his cage or stepping up for me, so I put a short wired rope perch on his door in a half circle. He will let me swing him in and out and sometimes he will step up and sometimes he will not. A couple of weeks ago, my daughter found a tiny kitten abandoned and missing her tail. She was about five weeks old and with a new addition in the house, if I leave the room, I can easily close the door to keep Gilbert safe on his door perch. He has also been flinging pellets out. Here I thought he was trying to form an alliance with the dogs against the intruder kitten. Maybe he is offering me bribes after all to lock the kitten in a cage and let him back out where he belongs. LOL. On the bright side, kitten and daughter are moving into their own home in the next week or two and Gilbert will be the king of his castle again.

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