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Who has a CAG and a Yellow Naped Amazon?


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I have been a CAG owner for a little over a year now. I have recently found myself visiting a yellow Naped amazon and we are starting to get along very well. For those that have both a CAG and a YNA, would you mind sharing your expieriences and let me know how the two compare. Do the two get along?



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I have a CAG, a Panama Amazon, and a quaker. I got the quaker first, then I brought home the CAG, and then we adopted Pancho (PA) this summer. They all have their own cages lined up in our office/kitchen. It has been pretty seamless. The quaker sits on Brutus' (CAG) cage and Brutus sits near Jimpster (quaker) and Pancho sits about two feet away on his cage. Brutus includes Pancho in his comments, yet doesn't interact with him. He adds Pancho's name all by himself - we did not teach him. He says, "I love Pancho", "Where do you live Pancho?" "Jimmy and Pancho and Brutus", etc. I have a sneaking suspicion that Pancho HAS interacted with them and showed them that he is not to be messed with. Anyway, the addition of Pancho has worked out very well, much better than I ever thought possible.

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I rescued a 15 year old lilac crowned amazon (Kiwi) prior to getting our cag. We brought Dorothy our cag home as a baby, Kiwi can be a bit grumpy however she has accepted Dorothy. I put them both on the java tree together they seem to just ignore each other. Dorothy is so young and I think that Kiwi knows this so just puts up with her. I can tell that she isn't always thrilled however "so far, so good".

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I have three parrots, a TAG, female, my first parrot, very spoiled and aggressive with the two males I have. Ana Grey is the smallest and feistiest of my flock, she is 3 1/2 years old. Louie is my BF Amazon, a re-home and very sweet and self-assured. He will fight with my other two parrots if they don't give him ground or pester him. He is 3 years 10 months old. I have never held him or given him a head scratch but he follows me around and goes back in his cage when I ask. My CAG is the largest and is 8 months old. He will go after what he wants and the other two will back off if Sterling Gris wants something or a certain spot to perch. When he gets older I think my other two better watch out and stay on his good side. As you can see my three do not love each other but will tolerate each other and I do have to watch them like a hawk so that everyone remains in one healthy piece. Just like my three grown children use to be!! LOL!!! My parrots are all fully flighted and out of their cages all day.

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Rocky and Cody get along from a distance lol like a good 12 inches anything closer they will go after each other ,Opey our quaker gets along with all the birds , Opey is just a easy going little birdy and Miss Peanut thinks she rules around here she can't even be close to any bird she will definitly go after any bird in sight

Rocky is a Yellow Crowned Amazon

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Thanks to everyone for your info. Well, today was it, I have stopped by to visit with this particular Yellow Napped Amazon every day for the last week. She is about seven months old and well, she is now mine. I put a deposit down for them to hold her for me while I build my room addition which is going to be my bird room. I'll post pics of her when I have some.

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I have a tag, a cag and a yellow crowned amazon. They aren't really what I would call friends, they will share the same plate if I am there with them,but mostly they tolerate each other. My amazon and tag will play chase around the house, ( all my birds are fully flighted) that always fun to watch and listen too as they scream sometimes while playing that game. I find an amazon a totally different experience than a grey. Much more entertaining and fun! Although my greys give me much joy and amazement, my amazon is an adorable cuddler, very affectionate and loving and an entertaining attention seeker!

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  • 2 months later...

I have a CAG and DYH. My birds are out and about in their bird room all day and are only in their cages at night to sleep. They co-exist nicely. I would not say the are friends but they definitely have respect for each other. Defintely two different birds. My grey is afraid of his own shadow and my zon is afraid of nothing:) I think both are a must in a bird lovers home.

Edited by fidsandfrats
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I'm so happy for you! I have had my CAG (Gracie) for only two months, but inexplicably I often think..."Hmm ....how would an Amazon add to our lives?" I find myself casually looking online for information about Lilac Crowned Amazons---but all amazons have a great appeal. I have promised Gracie that no new fids will be coming for at least 2 or 3 years, but I keep getting a niggling at the back of my mind that a CAG and an Amazon complete a sort of Yin and Yang --a balance of sorts. I don't think Gracie is sold on the idea, so I am going to focus all of my love and attention on her and only secretly search info on Amazons online after she has gone to sleep. So, I completely understand your decision to bring home your Yellow Nape baby. As was stated above--you are certainly not alone in the desire to have both. I wish you the very best and please update us often. The pictuire is beautiful!

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