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Happy Birthday to my baby Boy Quinn.


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:D Happy 3rd Birthday Quinn, my precious boy. I couldn't wait to post this on here. He is so handsome and so talkative. He loves to go out in his stroller and see the world. He went today and was talking to everyone who passed by us on the trail, as if he knew Im special today. lol. Im trying to post photos but unsure how. Isn't there a way without photo bucket?
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Happy Hatchday Quinn, what a special boy you are to get to go on outings with your parront and apparently everyone you met today knew you were special too, hope you have many many more to come.

A lot of us use photobucket but there are other photo hosting sites and some post their pics directly into their posts but I am not one of them but maybe one of the other members will help you with that.

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