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Simply Limeade


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I wasn't surprised when Phenix started to make it his mission to get into the super sized cup of juice every time I'd put it down. He's always loved to drink from a cup.


I dutifully checked the label because I've been well trained to share (& didn't want to have to clean up a super sized mess!). It said it's supposed to be all natural. Maybe more sugar than I'd like. But no real reason not to let him have some fun.


He went totally crazy for it. I kept wondering if birds could get brain-freeze. But when I tried to slow him down, he'd have absolutely none of it. He kept grabbing the rim & acting all "MINE! Back off!!". Practically crawled totally inside the cup until he'd had his fill. The way he was going, he may have decided Simply Limeade is even better than his all time favoritest pink grapefruit juice. Nothing's ever even come close before.






He was so distracted I even managed to get pictures! Huge!! I still can't believe it. He really hates the camera & it usually shows in the few shots of him I've managed to get. He usually ducks for cover just before the shutter clicks. I was so excited I just had to share.


Edited by birdhouse
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Great photos of *happy* birdy in a cup. :)



:) Usually he's giving me the hairy eyeball. Finally got an avatar pic of him! I even finally figured out how to make the pics big enough to see in the post. What can I say? I'm a grey-o-holic. It doesn't take much for my fids to make me happy :)

Edited by birdhouse
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I always keep my bottle of water next to me & Roscoe says "water" when I take a drink. A few wks. ago I held the bottle out to him & asked if wanted a drink. He came over & I held a paper towel under his chin & he took 3 or 4 drinks. Now, daily he goes over to my bottle & says water.. when he wants a drink !!! so cute...


Sometimes he dribbles more down the front of him than he gets in his mouth but the fact that he asks for it, I can't deny him!! The other half of my dilema is he also is camera shy, but knowing you got your pics because he was preoccupied gives me reason to think I'm going to try to snap a pic too !!! THANKS!!!

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Thanks for posting this story with pictures of Phenix enjoying his sharing moment. Funny, all this time with my birds and I am usually focused on keeping mine OUT of my drinks. Early on with Java, she had a thing for tomato juice. I will have to try some of this limeade and share with both my birds, I will be sure to give you credit if they love it. Until I saw his picture, for some reason, I thought Phenix was a CAG. No wonder Gilbert reminds you a bit of your boy. They look almost alike. I love that you made this your avatar, great idea.

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Dee, anything in a tumbler is community property around here. Whatever the fids aren't allowed goes into a travel mug. Being the clever little varmints they are, they know the difference. They don't try (too hard) to share things like coffee & hot chocolate when they see us drinking from them.


It just gives Phenix such a kick that I couldn't deny him, like Gwen said. It gave us some of our first bonding moments. It was also extremely helpful in getting Phenix to try food. I use to concoct really hideous smoothies for him. And now, be still my beating heart, it made it possible to get some happy pics of him happily enjoying something new. All good.


And yes, Phenix is a TAG that Gilbert often reminds me of. Sometimes I think there are more than a few similarities between them. They both have doting parronts, for starters. lol


Judy, your first comment made me smile. "Ah... the elusive Phenix.'Sounds like the narration for a nature film. It was also just good to see a purple post. :)

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Okay, here's the truth of the matter. Back in the day, a couple of years ago, we had a light hearted thread and joked about having a tipple on a Friday night. So, I was having a bit of Bailey's Irish Cream when my bird distracted me, I turned to hear one of our puppies lapping from my cup. All was well and I caught him soon enough, but it frazzled me so much I now drink everything out of a locking sippy cup. Well, it is a Starbucks cup with a lid, but it reminds me to never leave any kind of drink uncovered or unguarded. So, now my birds nor my dogs never even give my drink a second glance. Once I read your post, I remembered sharing some tomato juice or orange juice with Java on occasion. I have offered Gilbert a drink from my glass of water and he has wanted no part of it, ever. So, after I read your post, off I went to the grocery store and got a little of the Simply Limeade. I have had some serious dental work and was dehydrated and it sounded good to me too, I had never tried it. Gilbert has been exceptionally grumpy today. This morning he got off on the wrong foot and was lunging at me when I served his favorite dish of warm beans. He was more ornery than I have ever seen him. When I got home from the store, I was eager to appease the boy. I offered him a sip of the lime drink. He bit the glass and made such a thumping with his beak and tongue, I was fearful he would break the glass, he was not happy to be approached this way. Then the tip of his beak touched the liquid. He looked stunned for a moment then he tucked in and guzzled several gulps. I didn't want to overdo, I have never given him this kind of drink. He asked me "Wanna treat?" Two hours later, before bed, I was having a second glass myself. He propelled himself right off the top of his cage and he did the closest thing to flying I have seen yet. He overshot the runway and went over my head and down the back of my chair. He was barely ruffled as he walked right around to the front of my chair. As I lifted him up to my knee he said "Want some". He was coming to get some more Limeade. I am with you, this is not something I would make a part of his daily diet, but just like Phenix, this is HUGE for Gilbert to show so much enthusiasm. I can't thank you enough for posting your experience. Gilbert has really shown a different side tonight.

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Okay Girls !!! I must confess... Once some time ago Roscoe seemed interested in a pepsi can so I let him take a sip. I know at some point in his previous life, the family must have been pop drinkers cause everytime he sees beer or pop can he makes the "pop opening sound" and says get me a pop!! Like I said he looked like he wanted it so I offfered. He clamped on & wouldn't let go. I tipped the can & he got a taste!! Like a baby that gets that carbonation the first time he held his mouth open like he was gagging. He went right back for the "nector of the gods". My husband said it isn't such a good idea because he might cut his tongue on the can so I stopped. Weeks later, I let him try Diet Mountain Dew... now that he loves!!! Less carbonated and no sugar. I'm still afraid he might get hurt so the water bottle is what I give him... He does indeed love sharing those moments w/ me & I love it too..

Now you've got me soooo curious !!! I'm going to pick up some Simply Limeade next time I'm out & I'll let you know. MAYBE, I might get a pic. He's so stubborn -- even when he hears the music the camera makes when it turns on he freezes. I've even tried turning it on in the other room but the second he sees the thing pointed at him he fluffs up. I still practice several times a week but he HATES that camers!!

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:) Ahh, so now the truth comes out! Truth be told, alcohol is a bit of a problem around here, too... I mean w/the fids, of course!! lol I enjoy an occasional Irish Cream myself. The fids seem more interested in beer or particularly wine. So I don't usually have them out while anyone's drinking for that & other reasons. Phenix can be such a buzz kill he'd surely pull something if anyone got mellow enough to let their guard down.


But, back to the topic at hand. So I tried juicing a lime & made my own limeade. I would really like to find a way to keep Phenix crazy happy AND sugar free. He drank it. He liked it. But it definitely didn't have the WoW factor, unfortunately.


Simply Limeade is too sugary for my tastes. But I don't know if it's the sugar that's tripping the fids' trigger or what. The label listed "other natural flavors". So I'm going to try concoctions w/sweeter fruits. I'm really hoping if I keep trying I can create my own recipe for a healthier version of the "nectar of the gods".

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This limeade is the beginning of some sweet behavior from our little fellow. Usually, any sound of paper crackling or a walk past his cage near bedtime gets him started with "Cracker?" and he has always called any food a cracker when he has an interst, "want some". When I bring our dogs back inside, I give them a little tidbit of cheerios or a nugget of dog food and Gilbert picked up on my language. As he exhorts them to go outside, he whistles to them to come back in and asks "wanna treat?" Now, since the first offer of limeade, when I come into his sight with a glass he asks "treat?" or "wanna treat?". So it certainly has opened a new concept for him. All food is still a cracker, but now it seems a drink is a treat. He just takes the smallest little sips and that seems to be enough just to see what I have in the glass. Previously if I offered him a sip of my water or orange juice, he was looking under the glass to see if a finger was near enough to give me a scare, but now he seems more interested in what is in the glass. This really has opened up something new with him and I so appreciate that you made me start thinking in this direction.

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Something Isaac like that I really can't let him get too much of...but he loves like birdie-crack is Coca-Cola. I give him a couple of conservative sips and he loves the way it fizzles on his tongue I think. He gets a little...tilts his head back and you can hear it fizzle in his little beak. I have to hide my cup when I have that stuff. You should see how long a birds neck can get. LOL.

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  • 1 month later...
Something Isaac like that I really can't let him get too much of...but he loves like birdie-crack is Coca-Cola. I give him a couple of conservative sips and he loves the way it fizzles on his tongue I think. He gets a little...tilts his head back and you can hear it fizzle in his little beak. I have to hide my cup when I have that stuff. You should see how long a birds neck can get. LOL.


I have to tell you this story. When I first got Talon (my tag) jaws in my kids playroom watching g tv with them. There was a glass do water on the windowsill. I gave Talon a drink, and she kept drinking like there was no tomorrow. I finally commented on it to my kids. That's when one of them said, "mom,that's sprite!" I freaked out and thought she was going to die! I know they can't burp and I thought the carbonation would kill her. She did spit someup. I called the vet, closed on the weekend....then joined a different bird forums had been lurking on for advice. All was well, but I never gave her more than a sip again as she quickly became an addict!

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^^^ Funny, now that it's done & no harm done.


I always supposed soda wasn't good for fids because of all the sugar, caffeine & other bad ingredients. The old timers used Coke to clean the corrosion off of car battery terminals. So it wasn't a very big stretch for me to think I might want to keep the birds away. I'm glad you posted this because I didn't know about the carbonation. Thanks

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