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Saw this on Craigslist...thought I would share....


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So I know this may be an unpopular post here but I thought what the heck, when you have a good exp. share it!


I was looking for a macaw for almost a year and a week ago I walked into a shop called "the african grey".

While I was there looking around and feeling a little overwhelmed (they were very very busy) I saw a couple come in and inquire after a bird that they had apparently dropped at this shops door about 3 months previously. I was shocked! Apparently this Amazon parrot was sick and they had no money to feed it or care for it so they called the shop manager and asked if the manager would take it in and help it. I thought to myself " I would never do that" But then I listen a little more and what I found out made me sick and then made my heart warm. This bird had been through seven overs and had been sick with a very bad crop infection when the people aquired it from CRAIGSLIST from someone who claimed this bird was "young and healthy". They weren't prepared for the cost of a sick bird or the cost of trying to help the bird become social and heartbreakingly had no one to turn to when the old owners never returned the phone calls or emails. When they turned to this shop the manager totally put the birds health and welfare above all other concerns and took this poor creature in and made a bad situation a little better. Later after the couple left I asked if they took in birds often or if it was just amazons and she smiled and said that it really didn't matter what manner of bird weather it be a budgie,cockatiel, african grey, macaw or cockatoo she would rather that any bird in need had a warm comfortable spot to sleep, good diet and the medical care they might need than to be stuck cold, alone, sick and misunderstood somewhere in the world. She also had no problem disclosing to me why that bird had an adoption fee and what medical treatments it had had and I thought to myself " 400$ fee for a bird I know is healthy now and one who has so much going on thats so good for it is great, how many have I myself looked at on craigslist that were 1000, 2000 and sometimes more!". I was massively impressed.

I bought a wonderful macaw from that same manager and love that bird very much. He lights up my world.

They also included more information on his diet and care then I ever could have hoped, lifetime support and lifetime FREE grooming!

I cant say I could have ever found a better deal.

Moral of my story I suppose is just that good people still are out there and that maybe just maybe more of us should try to do just a little more for our fellow creatures.

I am sure that many of us can do more than we do but I am so glad a few of us can step up and do what they are doing.


Oh and they do also have younger hand raised parrots as well as consignments ( they explained that when someone cant keep their bird they often take it in and help them sell it) as well as just about every food and toy imaginable.


I would say give them a try, never hurts to look.


they are located at 974 monaco parkway denver co

I think their phone number is 303-333-4101 but i am sure they have a web page as well.

good knowledgable staff too and I was told they take drop offs 7 days a week from 730 am to 5pm and have a 24hr staff member for after hours needs.


I dont know personally as I have never thank god had to drop anything off!

I can however say that the birds I saw were all healthy and well cared for not to mention fresh fruits and veggies in the diet as well as BOTTLED WATER for the birds!

Pretty awesome.

Edited by Tias
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What a wonderful story of caring by loving people. It has become rare, but there are still real petshop owners out there that love what they do and care deeply about each and every critter they have taken responsibility for. :)

Edited by danmcq
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When I saw Craiglist, hovered for a preview and saw the word unpopular. Then, I closed one eye and squinted so I could catch a word or two in case this was one of the horror stories I just might not be up to reading tonight. I was drawn completely in by Janet's response, so I read it and was glad I did. It is good to know that someone is out there doing what they know best, taking care of birds. Their arms are open to all these birds and not just the profitable ventures. That's love. I enjoy the happy endings.

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There are some rather mixed revues of this shop online. Some alleging overcrowded conditions and apparent neglect. Not all the revues are recent or bad and any establishment taking in rescue birds will seem to have neglected birds. I did a Google search in the address to find the revues. Do we have no Denver members who could check out the shop?


Steve n Misty

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I live in Denver and have been to this bird store a couple of times and I have not been impressed. It is a very small store that is PACKED full,


The parrot store in Loveland Colorado is much cleaner and toys are cheaper http://avalonaviary.com/ and most important the birds are kept in a separate room away from the toys they sell. unlike the grey store which has their toys for sale 3 feet away from all their birds.


found this on youtube. ive never fed a baby but common sense would tell me that she knows less than I do.


Edited by carlsjr
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Wait, this story was posted on Craigslist?


I'd be hesitant, as someone who studies marketing for a living, that this was a bit of creative advertising.


100% correct. its a ad plain and simple. they are hurting for business and going to desparte length to generate some revenue.

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I've never fed a baby but common sense would tell me that she knows less than I do.


IMHO except in cases where the parrot parent is unable to rear it's own babies , Greys should bring up greys. No breeder should sell an un-weened bird and they should stay with their parents for at least six months! Greys as a species have been doing the job for millions of years and they do know how to do it! It is the height of arrogance for us to assume we humans can do a better job! Some of us can't even to the job properly with our own kids!


End of rant:mad:


Steve n Misty

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