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Any Phoenix area Grey people?


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Hey guys,


well, it looks like we may be taking the plunge and heading to the Phoenix area (Chandler/Gilbert/Queen Creek area) relatively soon. Now I love the desert and do not mind the climate or the landscape, but the creepy crawly things seriously creep me out. I am ok with keeping an exterminator on the payroll though, and I'm also ok with doing in any creepy crawly thing that comes into my house. What I'm worried about most are my birds!


Is there anyone on the board from the Phoenix area? Do you have any experience protecting your birds from scorpions and spiders? My guess is that a bite/sting from one of these guys would be lethal to a parrot. I've read a lot of hooplah on controlling the creepy crawly things in the desert and there seems to be one common theme - keep a clean house, exterminate regularly, and remove items from the yard (such as lots of brush or rocks) that give bugs a place to hide. But as you know, even the cleanest parrot is still messy. Obviously, spraying pesticides in the house is not an option so what do you use to keep your parrots safe? Diotomaceous earth sounds eco-friendly, but in the desert? Wouldn't it get blown away in a couple of days? Do you ever worry about spiders or scorpions getting to your birds or is this a non-issue as long as you take normal precautions (exterminating food sources and keeping the house/floors clean)? I've read some of the spiders down there ARE bird hunters! Eeek!


Just trying to not freak out this time, like I do about EVERYTHING that could potentially harm my birdies :) Thanks!

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Hmm, leaving Portland for Phoenix, have you experienced one of our summers? As for the scorps, if you are moving to a well established area, you don't have much to worry about. I have been here all my life and never had one in my house or even my neighborhood that I know of. I do know that the DE is common to use. It doesn't take much around the perimeter of your house if you have them in the area, if you don't, there is nothing to worry about. Talk to your neighbors to see if they have had them around.

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Ha, CAGRico! Yes, I am sure I will have something to say about the heat after a time. My DH is from the Death Valley area and we visit there quite often, so I do have some experience with intense heat in the summer, but I've never lived in it. I look like a true Oregonian, pale and sickly, and part of the reason for us to head south is for my health, so I'll not knock it till I've tried it. DH grew up out in the middle of nowhere and says the scorps, spiders and snakes were just part of life. Whenever we go visit home they all tease me about the spiders but I have seen nasty things every time I've been there, and nearly been eaten twice! (Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating just a tad...but wolf spiders are no chump spider, let me tell ya :P ) I can deal with them as long as they're not on me...eew. I just don't want to worry about something crawling up into a bird cage at night and eating my bird!


We haven't bought a house yet and are just in the planning stages, but I'll definitely make sure to talk to neighbors and yes, I think we're definitely planning on sticking to populated areas. Thanks!

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