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Hi, my name is Mike. I adopted Rico when he/she (not sure but not the important part) was six months old. I have now had him for a year and he has become an awesome companion. Though he gets along with the family, he has definitely attached himself to me. Our night time bonding is laying on the couch wit him falling asleep snuggled under my chin. In the year I have had him, he has learned to say many words and phrases and has even learned the song "Brick House" from my wife! The most annoying thing he has learned is the notification sound that I have a new Skype message. You see, I work from home most of the time and he knows the sound and if I walk away from my desk, he makes the sound and back to my desk I go...



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Welcome to you, Rico and the rest of your family. Glad you could join us. It is always nice to hear what kind of impact others have had with their greys. Rico sounds like a jokester. We are going to love hearing about him in your life. The little Skypemeister. Ha ha. A friend just asked me today why I keep muting my computer and missing instant messages and it is because if I mute, I can finish what I am doing in the kitchen because I know it is the bird and not my husband getting in touch while he travels. LOL. My favorite ruse though is the smoke detector. Just once, five years ago our first parrot heard it. Now every time I bake, as the oven warms up, both parrots give me the smoke detector in stereo. LOL. I love it.

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