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Nite, Nite, Louie


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So how do you get an amazon to sleep at night if you can't touch him? I have had Louie for over a year now and I still have never given him even a tickle. So how do I get him to go to sleep in his cage at night. Or get him into a cage at anytime. Well, just watch the video--




Louie and I are close, he follows me around all day but I can't touch him. Strange but true.

Edited by luvparrots
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Louie is awesome and a good looking zon.

I think it`s a amazon thing because if we say back to your house, Cricket will go back to her cage and go inside.

We got Cricket she was at least 12 years old so I think she had gone through the biggest part of the hormonal thing and that is why we can touch her and play with her.

Also the male may be more standoffish than the female for a short time longer. I beleave he will came around because you seam to have made contact with him on a one to one and that is IMHO. He is happy and haveing fun and with you and that is what he needs. Keep it up.

Edited by Ray P
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Oh, I can only dream of such willing cooperation! He is just as sweet and precious as anything I have ever seen. He may not be "hands on" with you but you certainly have touched him in all the ways that count. He is wonderful. I think the day will come when he just sidles up to you and bows his head for a scratch and it will surprise you both and be the addition of a charming interaction to his obvious closeness and love for you. That video just made my day. Thanks.

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Thank you all for your comments. Louie is certainly a sweetheart. He can touch me, I just can't touch him. He is fully flighted and has never been clipped so he has the upper-hand so to speak as he can leave any old time he wants! He enjoys sitting on the back of my couch and preening my hair. As long as I do not try to touch him and just let him preen away, he is happy as a lark. Ray, Louie is only three, I doubt he is hormonal as he is as sweet as molasses just untouchable. He has many times taken my finger into his beak with a "no, no, no touchy" attitude but never bitten down.

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The relationship you have with him is obviously close and built on trust and respect. I didn't know he was so comfortable with him touching you. That is so funny. He just needs to reach the point where he understands your touches and scratches are a good thing and there will be no holding him back then. I love that he is so gentle about telling you where he draws the line on touching. You are so tuned in to your flock and an inspiration to me as I learn the parrot boundaries with Gilbert.

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So how do you get an amazon to sleep at night if you can't touch him? I have had Louie for over a year now and I still have never given him even a tickle. So how do I get him to go to sleep in his cage at night. Or get him into a cage at anytime. Well, just watch the video--




Louie and I are close, he follows me around all day but I can't touch him. Strange but true.



Wow! Louie is very awesom!!! How did you train him to do that?

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I don't know if you call it training, or just repetition. I talk to my parrots all the time. Louie always seems to be listening when I talk to him. When I put them to bed I always say "nite, nite" or "Time to go nite, nite". My parrots always follow me around from room to room so I just head to their birdroom. Louie has a boing over his cage and he loves to sit on it. I just tap the top of his cage door and he comes down. It probably helps that there are safflower seeds and cracked corn in his food bowl for his night time snack. A little bribery goes a long way!!!! LOL!!!

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