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I would like a new home for Emily


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Hello Everyone,


I am asking this with a very heavy heart. I have a 14 yr old CAG named Emily and I have had her since she was 5 weeks old. If there are old-timers on this forum you may remember me and my story about Uly. Anyway, Emily is not getting the attention she needs and I think she should be with a family that has other birds or can give her the love and affection she needs deserves. She is a defineatly a female as she lays 3 - 4 eggs once every year. She is very sweat, completely tame, never bites and has quite a vocabulary. She has been riased and interacts with cats and dogs her entire life. I live in NW Arkansas which borders Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas. If anyone is interested in giving her an excellent home please respond to this post. I'm in my early 60's now and will keep her as long as I live (and we all know she will most certain out live me) if I can't find the perfect home. I will not ship her. Also, if anyone knows of a parrot rescue in this part of the country please let me know. Thank you, Pat Barth

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How sad and painful it must be for you to know it is going to be necessary before many more years. I have no doubt reading this, that your love for her is like that for a birthed child. I will be in your shoes in probably 10 years or so and fret over it, as it will be one of the most painful realities I will ever face as well.


Hopefully someone that lives in your area will read this or on another forum and give her the next loving home for her remaining years.


Good luck and keep us updated as well if you would. :)

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I have only had Rico for a year and couldn't bare the thought of parting with him, I certainly could not imagine how you feel. Rico and I would love to give her a good home but we are in Arizona. I am trying to find him the perfect friend but the right one has not yet found us as he found me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tough decision for you and I can only imagine how it must feel to have to make that choice. Hugs for the pain and positive outlooks for you and Emily moving forward. I live in Texas but the far side from you but will keep my ears open among the good bird people here.

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Hello Pat, I know how hard it must have been for you to write this, I did want you to know that if you choose I would be willing to meet you half way for Emily. My family and I have 2 parrots, Tia(CAG) and Joker (Mini Macaw) My husband and I have 2 young children (9 and 6). I would love to chat more with you as I'm sure you would want to know more about us. If you would like, you can PM me and we can chat sometime. Thank You for caring so much about Emily.

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