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The Earthquake Scared My Little Girl

Thomas J.

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Even though we live about 200 miles from the epicenter near Oklahoma City , some of us felt it here in the DFW area, including my little girl. She was sound asleep and all of sudden my wife heard her fall off her perch and was shaking real bad. She has fallen off before but would climb back up and forget about it. When I got home from work an hour and a half later she was still hanging on the side of the cage where she went to after she fell. My wife said she lost a few feathers from the fall also. Right now this morning she's still not the same. She's usually very vocal by now but so far not a word. I hope she gets over it soon,

I miss my normal talking whistling girl.

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Sorry to hear she is so shaken up. Their is no doubt they are horrifying to our birds and other animal friends. Flight is what all birds do instinctively and she was probably batting her wings as she went to the bottom of her cage. Birds will take to flight before us "Thick" humans ever feel one occurring. They are much more in tune with nature than we are.


You don't detected subtle aftershocks, but I guarantee you she knows when each and everyone of them occur. She will settle down after these aftershocks stop. Just remain calm and reassuring to her. :)

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As my screen name indicates, I'm in Oklahoma and that earthquake was indeed a bit unsettling. I am sure your baby will return to normal soon. Earthquakes were never on my radar before as a potential scary thing for my grey. Now I'm starting to think about tornado season, and how I will prepare Gracie for the thunder, lighting, winds, and sirens-let alone getting her into a carrier to go to a tornado safe location.

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We experienced the earthquake centered in Virginia from as far away as western NY and our grey reacted much the same way. He hung upside down for a couple of hours after the original tremor and it took several days for him to relax again. He also gets very quiet and agitated during thunderstorms so we leave a light on for him on stormy nights and usually I will sleep where he can see me if we have severe storms. He is somewhere near ten years old and I think it is natures way. One thing I noticed when we were in Tornado Alley, or when we lived in Houston and a hurricane was approaching, the eeriest thing was to have all the wild birds silent as a storm approached. They have very sensitive survival instincts. As Dan suggests, talk calmly to her and reassure her that everything is okay now. She will be back to her sweet little outgoing self in a day or so. I also agree that they can sense the tremors before and after the original quake much more acutely than we can.

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When the tornados hit here on Good Friday, we weren't prepared. The kids were home alone & (at that time) we only had the tiel, two dogs & a cat. Thankfully the tornado touched down in the yard & the house was spared.


Now we also have a Quaker & the CAG. We have all the carriers under their cages.

It's good to be prepared.

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