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strange vocal behavior--any advice?


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Hello all,

I'm quite new here and posted about a week ago about the older grey I am fostering for a rescue. She is very scared of people after years with a hoarder, kept in a dark basement, but she is a great talker. I've had her a couple months and she talks like crazy, and has picked up about 20 or so new phrases, words, and sounds since coming here.


Here's the strange behavior: for the past week, she has pretty much stopped talking, and instead is making the sound of a smoke dectector alarm ALL the time. She begins first thing in the morning and does it every few minutes until lights out at night. No more long chattering sessions, no more constant hellos and other words, just this really painful loud sound. I ignore it, or walk away, or turn off the lights, when she does it. I haven't given her any attention for it, or yelled or anything. On a few occasions I've covered her cage, because I really can't stand living with this painful sound. She has not heard this alarm sound in my house at all, so it's not like a recent thing that she fell in love with.


Does anyone know why this might be happening? Why has she stopped all her other vocalizations to do just this one, over and over? Any suggestions on how to stop it?


Thanks in advance for any advice!



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Has anything changed in the room you keep her in?

Does she do this when you are present in the room or out of the room?

Does she do this if you sit near the cage and talk to her, read, watch tv etc?


The reason I ask, is because my grey will make a very loud smoke alarm/home alarm door opening sound as well when he wants our attention whether we are in the room or not. He will not stop until one of us either decide to sit next to his cage or let him out. Ignoring him does not matter, the sound will continue until he decides to eat something, play a little or get a little shut eye, then they will resume.


Also, this is not a contact call, it is a sound of annoyance, desperation or exasperation.


It could just be, that this precious soul has come to like you and your attention. :)

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This is one of the many places where it would be so nice if Grey logic was more transparent. There are a number of things this could be about. Especially given Molly's history.


Normal Grey behavior says that a fid will continue any behavior so long as it continues to get the desired results. But as long as Molly's got so much baggage her reaction to normal treatment can potential go very sideways. In this case the normal approach to this type of problem (walk away, cover the cage, disapproving body language) might actually play into Molly's conditioning to hide & avoid interaction w/people.


Which is to say that I agree w/Dan that "this is not a contact call, it is a sound of annoyance, desperation or exasperation." But unlike Dayo, I wonder if Molly's using it because she feels like she needs to keep you at a distance. She might be testing your response to see if you'll prove to be just another scary human, too.


Right now, you might get the best results if you don't react at all until you figure out what's motivating her. I think it may be more important than anything else that she doesn't get anything negative from your responses.


In the meantime you really have my sympathy. My Quaker can honestly make me feel like my skull reverberates. Thankfully, noise canceling earmuffs/headphones usually work surprisingly well.


Janet's suggestion that you interest Molly in other sounds might help too. Finding one that's interesting & quiet enough might be a challenge though. Maybe a water fountain. Most Greys seem to be endlessly fascinated w/water sounds & it might have some overall calming effect as well.

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