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Luna is home


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here is a video of her climbing around in her cage.






wow that was a LONG 12 weeks. we picked her up at Denver International Airport yesterday and oh man was she pissed. she was growling like a no other!! we took the paper off that was covering the door to the pet kennel when we got in the car. we talked to her and she calmed right down and started with her baby chirps and grunts.


we took her to the vet and he said we did everything right on selecting a great breeder and luna is in in perfect health. The vet did suggest we remove the breeder band for safety reason so we agreed to do so.


when we got home she explored every inch of her cage and yes she is CLUMSY!! she has not fallen off any of her perches but she does lose her balance.


she is a cuddle bunny


i have seen her drink water on several occasions so im happy about that, but i have not seen her eat yet. the breeder told us what food to get so she is on the same pellets. ill give it a bit more time before i get really worried.



Edited by carlsjr
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Congratulations! She will most likely settle in enough to eat in a couple of hours. Try to relax, she can feel your excitement/worry. She probably needs a nap, read her a bedtime story or two. :)


Edit: Woops, reread that, and saw you picked her up yesterday. I would count the number of pellets in the dish to make sure. Have you offered her any soft warm foods? Eating together (not out of the same dish) is very bonding. Congratulations again!

Edited by Malikah
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Congratulations, you are off to a great start. I love the name you chose for your little one and it speaks so highly of you to get her to the vet right away and establish a good relationship with her health care provider. Your posts during this joyful time are so uplifting and positive. Way to go.

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