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Lost my grey!! :(


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I've been drinking a lot but need to let this out.


My grey "oliver" has now been missing for 2+ days, we have had him for 7+ years now.


He is such as nice bird, such a character, but has started plucking himself, so my wife who doesn't know better let him outside on a windy day. He caught wind and took off.. its been two days now all I can think about is him, I miss him so badly. He was such a character. He means so much to me.. I'm so depressed we have been diligently searching with no luck :(


I feel he's dead or something has aten him or he has frozen to death.


I miss him so badly.



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I live in Kamloops, BC, in aberdeen (the suburb or whatever you call it). We have been out whistling and trying to find him, I have given up hope :( My wife and I have plastered and delivered signs all around the neighbourhood. Before he tool off he had multilated his flight feathers to the point we didn't think he could fly anymore. I am devastated by my loss. I miss him so much he was my best mate and I can't stop thinking about him. and If he is alive how cold he would be. I just think about all the cats & dogs and other birds that will prey on him! I have searched so much and am so devistated I dont have anything left.



Edited by magical
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Oliver was such a character......


He would know its me before I even entered the house (I could hear his excitement from the outside door)


His latest thing to do was on the top of the cage he would run and even trip himself to run from side to side and play a peek-a-boo game.


He would get great lafter from doing this, I miss him so much words cant comprehend. (even to the point he would laff before he reached me)


I do however never want to own another grey.


I think that they are better off left in the wild. as I can see, no matter what, he is too smart of a animal to be caged. If I get him back he will be loved and well taken care of, but I won't replace him because I think a life of "prison" is not fair for such a intelligent bird.


sorry for being so blunt but, I feel for him.



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Oliver was such a character......


He would know its me before I even entered the house (I could hear his excitement from the outside door)


His latest thing to do was on the top of the cage he would run and even trip himself to run from side to side and play a peek-a-boo ga


He would get great lafter from doing this, I miss him so much words cant comprehend. (even to the point he would laff before he reached me)


I do however never want to own another grey.


I think that they are better off left in the wild. as I can see, no matter what, he is too smart of a animal to be caged. If I get him back he will be loved and well taken care of, but I won't replace him because I think a life of "prison" is not fair for such a intelligent bird.


sorry for being so blunt but, I feel for him.






I'm so sorry for your loss . It breaks my heart to read about this . I've only had my Grey for a bit but I love him dearly and all my companions with my with all my heart . They are part of my life and family and I would be devastated also if something were to happen to any of them . I really hope you find him , I will pray for you and your baby ..

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Mike, I am so sorry to hear about this!! Sometimes accidents do happen, and I can tell how sad and frustrated you are feeling right now. :( Oliver loves you very much from what you've shared with us, and he does sound like a bright boy; perhaps someone else has found him already and he is still desiring very much to be home with you, too? Just keep putting up your signs and making your calls, you never know when someone might see them and have the tip to his whereabouts you're just longing to hear.


And, please, if I may say so, try not to let the alcohol be too much of a crutch for you during this difficult time. If your boy is still out there needing your help, you need to be as clear-headed as you can be to rescue him as circumstances dictate. Know all of us here are thinking of you and your wife right now...

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Mike, I am so sorry for what you are going through right now. Don't let the scary stuff out there dash your hopes, keep going back over and over again to the last spot where you saw him. Put his cage outside where he can see it. Keep going back over and over again through your neighborhood and calling for him early in the mornings and just before dark. It is an overwhelming time for you. Courage is not the absence of fear, but action in the face of fears. Also, take heart in the many caring and encouraging people in our forum. Search high and low and keep going back over and over again while we pray for your miracle.

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Thank you for your kind words!


We had oliver for around 7 years, we got him as a baby. He has been our best little buddy the whole time. He was extremely intelligent, caring, and he always had to get the last laff in or make sure that he got into a fight (as in if my wife and I were having a verbal argument he'd have to get in on it, unfortunately siding with my wife).


He loved mocking us, be it if we stubbed our toe it seems he would say 'ow' before we would. If he would hear us having a little fight he would make sure to get in and start chastizing me (never could figure that out, its like he was always on my wife's side). He would fart, and then blame me for it. We played whistling games and he would just sit there and make up his own cool tunes on his own.


The latest and greatest thing he loved doing was what I called 'speedy Gonzales bird' which was he would go on top of the cage, and I would go from side to side and pop my head up and he would run as fast as he could even to the point of tripping, and he'd always give out the tinyiest little laff when he got to the other side (probably because It was so funny I couldn't not laff myself).


When our dog passed away earlier this year, he was there for us for extra scratches, and he always loved cuddling with my wife, I was always kinda jealous cause he'd get to snuggle up near her breasts (ya sounds bad but he loved to be in the middle of them) and he'd stick his bum up in the air.


I do a lot of walking and he must have been telepathic because before I'd even get to the door I could hear him yowling for me! Maybe because he wanted his shower so bad, he LOVED showers, he couldn't get enough of them, he was so trusting and so gentle, he'd let me rub his beak and whenever I moved he would tuck his little beak right into the side of me for support *NEVER* biting me.


Writing this is so depressing, yesterday I went very hardcore on the alcohol, and was suicidal. I am over that now, and am not going to drink for a long time (I'm not even a social drinker, I just couldn't cope with losing my best buddy).


We have searched for him, we have plastered signs around the neighborhood, we have a add on Kijiji, we have contacted the schools and they were nice enough to tell the students. It is very cold, below freezing at night, and I am very worried for him. I did some reading and saw that there is a chance that he might get hungry and come to people for food around the 3rd day. I'm preying that this happens since today would be that day, but I fear there are so many predators around that he wouldn't make it very long but I have to keep my spirits up.


Again, thanks for all the polite words and positive support.




Oliver Enjoying his Shower:


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I feel so bad for you and your wife. I don't want to imagine what you are going though. If it's any comfort feathers make wonderful insulation. Check out all the nearby trees if he has damaged flights he won't have gone far. Keep whistling his contact call. Aloud whistle will carry farther than voice calls and greys to have very good hearing.

Lots and lots and lots of luck.


Steve n Misty

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This is a key time. Do what you can to get the word out. There are many here who have lost and recovered their greys. Don't lose hope and use this window of time to recover your Oliver. You sound very down and like you are giving up. DONT! He is out there. Make use of whatever resources you have.

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You have come to the right place for support and understanding from other people who care for our greys as you do for Oliver. That has to be either the most adorable shower photo I have ever seen, or a photoshop. I wouldn't believe it without seeing it, LOL. Just kidding, I am sure it is real and is a testament to how much Oliver loves and trusts you. Very few greys will take such a calm attitude about the shower. Well done. I believe you are a loving and caring companion for Oliver and he has had a wonderful life with you, my prayers are for him to come back to you. Bless you and your family in this horrific time in your life.

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Again thanks for all your support guys/gals! It means very much to me to hear all of your positive words... we still have had no luck, although some loser decided to contact me via text on my cell phone that was posted on kiijii just to break my heart (they said they found a bird) but I knew it was a SCAM! I can't believe people who do stuff like this, its like I'm in enough pain as is and they have to stab a knife in my heart and tear it up to my throat.


We have been searching, but I must say, I am giving up. I hope wherever he is he is in a good place, and I hope my memorys never fade.. In the meantime I thought I'd post some more pics of him so I can think of the great times I had with such a special bird. He meant the world to me and everyone he met and will always be missed.










We miss you oliver!!!

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Contact bird and pet stores, and vet's offices because they might have some information if someone found him. Post flyers. I did those two things and I got my bird back. Good luck!

Don't give up hope and keep trying to find him. If your neighbors know he is missing and they find him, they have a way to contact you.

Here is a link with good information on locating your lost bird-


Please don't lose hope because it will stop you from actively trying to find him. Don't admit defeat before the battle has been fought.

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Don't give up Mike! Put down that bottle and go out and find your bird! Make sure you post notices on your local kijiji and other online boards that advertise lost & found stuff and pets for sale and so on. That's the first place I'd check if I found a lost grey.


I really hope you find him. He sounds like a real character. I love the picture of him.

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So sorry to hear you lost your grey. I don't think you can post too many flyers, contact your local veteranians and lost and found and let them know. Keep looking and calling to him and most of all don't quit looking for him. Good luck. Sending positive thoughts your way for the safe return of Oliver.

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Update, I have taken all your advice to heart, I only drank the one night and since I'm not much of a drinker I paid badly, but at the time It was my only way of coping with it. I have called the local animal shelter and my wife and I have plastered the street with signs and made sure there was a add on kiijii right away. I had some loser contact me and try to exploit money from my ad on kiijii and it broke my heart, I can't understand how someone so heartless could do this. Every day that passes we keep looking and are hopes are up but with snow and sub zero temperatures all I can hope is that someone found him and maybe has decided to give him a new home?. My memorys I hope will never be gone, from when we drove the whole day to pick him up and how he growled at us the first time we tried to pick him up at the breeders, from when he got home and was so unhappy only to be comforted when my wife downloaded some bird sounds and this made him happy (he evidently learned all those sounds and they were amazing she also made sure that if he did learn them they would be something we could tolerate to hear). I so miss getting greeted when I come home, or at night when I try to sneak a drink in and he busts me with the smoke alarm sound and a chick cluck...


I have went through some more pictures and though I'd share some more, of my best friend, oliver.


Again thanks for the support and helpful comments. (I am crying as I write this)







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Why did he pluck so bad? It sounds like you do realize that you kept him inside the cage for most of the time and that's probably why he plucked to that point. At least you now know that you shouldn't get another one, sorry for your lost


Wow. Just wow. What a total ass.


I can't even imagine the pain that "magical" is going through and you think this is the time to pile on?



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Magical, I would encourage you not to give up. I lost my grey awhile back and it was devestating for us, but we recovered her. She was clipped and flew under her own steam with as much power as any other bird out there, which was completely unreal. We were devestated, but the thing is, these birds CAN and WILL survive way past the point where you think they can't. A very knowledgable bird rescuer who helped us said most parrots are capable of surviving for weeks and longer before they succumb to the elements, and generally they will seek out a person before then. Even though this may be your sweet baby, these parrots are designed for survival and have all their instincts. Our bird survived hawks, crow attacks, lack of food and water, rain and 30 degree temperatures with not even a blink. She was on her own for three days and we were able to track her and stay with her until we lost sight of her on the third day, and she only came down after she got hungry enough. To give you an idea of what we observed, she was extremely well camoflauged and would not fly if she saw any bird bigger than her in the sky. She wouldn't even make a sound, even though we were calling to her and she had been returning our contact calls. We observed crows attacking her because she was a strange presence in the neighborhood; she dodged them too and hid deep in the trees until they got tired of waiting for her and went away. We saw her drinking water off the leaves. We recorded how far she flew and calculated how long she would generally rest. At night she got deep down in the trees next to the trunk and stayed there, which was huge protection from the rain, wind, cold and predators. She always stayed high in the trees so ground predators weren't even an issue. Trust me, these guys know what to do to take care of themselves.


So don't give up hope. The liklihood that she flew or will fly down to someone is high, given the climate and how long she's been gone and the fact that these birds are ultimately extremely intelligent survivors who know that people are a safety net. What you need to do is keep your posters fresh and make sure they are not just up around the neighborhood - put them in the parking lots at grocery stores, pet stores, fast food places and major locations where most people go on a daily basis. Get an add on Craigslist and keep it at the top of the lost & found/african grey/parrot postings every day. Check with the animal shelters, pet stores, vets (not just avian ones) every day. My bird flew over eight miles total and ended up 3 miles line of sight from our house. We got her back because someone else who had lost their grey 15 miles away saw our post on Craigslist and told the guy who found our bird to call us too just in case. We then helped rescue that guy's grey when someone who had seen our poster called to tell us he had a grey in his backyard. We didn't even have posters in the area where that grey was lost - the man had seen our poster because he just happened to stop at a grocery store in our neighborhood on the way home. That bird had been missing for 4 1/2 days and was found sitting on a fence only one street over from his owner's house, but by mere cooincidence the two were reunited because of a poster someone saw 15 MILES away on the way home from work! So you've got to get the word out beyond your neighborhood and in places where people are likely to go and most importantly you must not give up!

Edited by zandische
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I am so grateful to the greyforums family for all you do to provide encouragement and support. Keep coming back through the tears and fears, we are all rooting for you to be reunited with Oliver. Let the recounting of experiences we have had build your spirit while you search and search and leave no stone unturned in your quest to bring him home.

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