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Hey Guys,


I'm back, and it looks like you've been busy since I've been gone!


I've had an amazing 8 weeks, and the good news is that Casper's still talking to me - so if anyone's getting stressed about leaving their feathered friends for any length of time, don't - so long as you have someone you can trust to look after them!


My other great news is that I passed my exams - Judy, thanks for all the bullying! It paid off!


It's great to be back, and I've missed you all - I think it could take me a while to get through all the messages.



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Well it is so good to have you back, Julia, I have missed you much. And no we did not stop just because you were gone, I have been very busy, we all have been busy. Glad to hear you passed your exams, sometimes we just need a little push to get it done.


Now I want to hear some recipes out of you, I know you are a foodie, and I have been waiting for you to get back so we can start cooking.


Why don't you tell us a little about what you have been doing the last 8 weeks, where you went, what you did and so forth.


Glad to hear Casper did not forget you, they can be amazing creatures and I bet he was as glad to see you as you were to see him.


Good to have you back, don't stay away so long next time.:P

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