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woodwork repair


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I have louvered bi-fold closet doors in my bedroom and Toby chewed away a corner of the door..:sick: One time I heard the phone ring (it was Toby)...then he started talking, "u-huh? u-huh?....well, you're going to have to help me that. u-huh?...ok"....then he made the sound of a phone hanging up. .....


well, I need help repairing the lower corner of this door

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Is the door wood, white?

Remove the door.

You put some tape above the hole and bring it down and under the door at least 2" past the hole. The tape has to be at least the same size as the depth of the wood. This will look like an L shaped after its on. There should be a space in the tape to fill with WOOD FILLER. First spray some pan(lightly) in the hole to keep the filler from sticking to it. Apply the filler and form it to it right look. Depending on the size of the edge missing it should dry hard in 2 days SAFELY. Remove the tape. You then have to sand it with at least a 220 grit paper. Don,t know if it will hold. Best of luck. HEY bring the door to Clearwater FL and I'll replace the wood if needed.



Keep us posted

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Toby's a Good Bird!...All three of 'em are good birds....they just happen to think of me as the "maid"....after all, I'm the one who cleans the cages/ bird room/ fills the bowls, wipes up the poop etc. Their "poppy" just comes home, hands out almonds or sunflower seed treats and gets the glory.

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Ah! You and your pal never met a MAN like me. Before you thought it, I already have done it. You think a guy from the streets of Brooklyn in the 60s has'nt been there done that. So when you feel large enough to play HARD, bring it on.


But I still love you both.



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I have a window ledge with a chunk out of it. Is wood filler safe to use?The lure of jagged wood is so tempting to my guys. I have to keep their cage far away. Actually it was one of my amazons that ate the window ledge. The greys have more expensive tastes. they have nibbled at a wooden dresser when they get the chance or the tv remote:S . I do have a tattle tale in the form of a blue crowned conure. When one of the birds or even himself is doing something naughty, he says "No no no no no!!" in a singing voice. Too funny. He will also do that if he is going to bite you;)

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Birdgranna, I would think wood fill is not good for our birds, but the idea of repair is important and the bird could find many things not good for them all around the house. Repair the area and KEEP your bird away from it. On the other hand you can paint it ove with safe paint.


Hope I helped you out.



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