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Sneaky Bird

Guest kinta99

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I have a CAG, Elmo. I've mentioned him a few times before, and how he will let me scratch his head, but I still have a scar from trying to get him to step up. He's friendly from in/on his cage, but I don't dare try to pick him up. Yes, I'm a chicken. He seems happy though. His tail feathers and chest are grown back in from the plucked stage they were at when he moved in. He talks up a storm - unless I'M in the room.


My question today is, does anyone know why he will talk like crazy until I enter the room? He will talk in front of my husband if he's in the room alone, but if I'm in there Elmo won't make a sound. He's right in the living room, my computer is right there, as is the television... so I'm in there a lot. Only if I leave the room will he talk!

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Guest MorningDove16

That's what my TAG Pepe does. As long as I'm in the room, he's pretty quiet.

He'll talk a little, whistle with me, etc, but if I leave the room, look out!

It's amazing how much noise that can come out of a bird that size!

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I've found that if you try to get Bertie to talk, perform if you will, he won't do it with people 'watching'. The best way to get Bertie to go off on one, and he does, is ignore him. If you then turn your TV up, or put on some loudish music, he will try to become the centre of everybody's attention.


He also seems to talk incessantly if I do the vacuuming, or someone is on the telephone. But generally any loudish noise/sounds will do.

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Guest twoodruff



I've never had a CAG, but I have had 2 Timnehs and currently have one,

Lola, who is 4 months old. She's definitely going to be a talker--she already talks gibberish. She is very outgoing, and when someone comes into the room she runs over to that side of her cage and begs them to pick her up. She is not afraid of my two little dogs, and she steals their toys and then keeps turning around so that they can't get them back. She's so incredibly affectionate. If we don't have our daily scritch fest, the next day she let's me know about it!


My first TAG was similar in temperament and behavior. I love this breed.

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Guest MorningDove16

TAGs are a little smaller than CAGs, but other than that, I don't know much about CAGs. Some of what I've read says that Timnehs are supposed to be better talkers, but I think how friendly, talkative, or playful they are it really depends on their owners - how much attention they get, etc - no matter what kind of bird it is.

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Guest phishbook

I have some of the species you have too. I also have a breeding pair of timnehs. I like them too :0)

I no longer have kakarikis though. Found it difficult to keep them alive for any number of years :-(

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