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DIY Window Perch


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Oops, I did it again....




Ellie likes sitting on the back of the couch and looking out the window. Of course, that means poop on the couch. And that means she is chewing on the couch and the corners of the window and the curtains...


So I made a perch for her.


Because parrots are notorious biting machines, I wanted to make sure that the suction cups were out of her reach. Also, I wanted a "catch tray" for poop, since this would be over the couch (or over the kitchen counter/sink).


I put up two sets of suction cups - one in the sun room (over the couch) and one in the kitchen. That way she can hang out with me when I cook. (I can't leave her on her cage's playtop when I'm cooking because she keeps trying to fly into the kitchen to be with me...)


Plus, by hanging the perch on the hooks, it means that I can hide it out of the way when she's not using it. Kel is reluctant to fill the house with parrot perches for some reason...


Naturally, she immediately climbed down and started walking around the poop tray, sometimes sticking her butt over the edge while she bit the edges of the plastic. So I'm sure there will still be poop incidents. Hopefully greatly reduced in frequency....


The plastic "catch tray" is corrugated plastic and pretty slick (which I wanted for easy of cleaning) but she slips around on it. I may have to change it out. I wonder if I could get a lightweight serving tray about the right size so it would have a lip...


I love working in PVC for this kind of project as it is so easy to whip something together and to modify the design. Plus it's cheap...


(This picture was taken in the kitchen while I was preparing her breakfast this morning...)


Note: my expectations with regard to keeping the suction cups out of reach were optimistic at best (more accurately, "foolish"). I'm sure you experienced parrot owners where chuckling at my naivety... See this post for pictures.

Edited by Doug
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My grey isn't near as adventurous as Ellie, nor is he flighted just yet. I am going to keep watching your posts because when he does become flighted, you have already worked out all the logistics of making some beautiful and thoughtfully constructed play areas. Well done Doug!

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I only wish that Ellie was either: (1) LESS adventurous; or (2) a better flyer!


She was on the "coffee-table-style" playstand last night. Kel was in the sunroom with her while I was putting my son to bed. Ellie decided, apparently, to come find me. She took off and flew around a couple of corners and ended up in the living room.


Ellie has clipped wings, but she can still fly about forty or fifty feet at the same altitude (so to speak).


And she is ALWAYS giving thought to taking off and flying...

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Wow you are very creative ! I've seen some of your previous perches, good work on those . I am trying to get one started and I'm trying to make it look as close as to the second one you made its the one that's by the couch . I think it looks fantastic and your grey seems to enjoy it :) Thanks for sharing your great ideas .

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  Doug said:
Oops, I did it again....




Ellie likes sitting on the back of the couch and looking out the window. Of course, that means poop on the couch. And that means she is chewing on the couch and the corners of the window and the curtains...


So I made a perch for her.


Because parrots are notorious biting machines, I wanted to make sure that the suction cups were out of her reach. Also, I wanted a "catch tray" for poop, since this would be over the couch (or over the kitchen counter/sink).


I put up two sets of suction cups - one in the sun room (over the couch) and one in the kitchen. That way she can hang out with me when I cook. (I can't leave her on her cage's playtop when I'm cooking because she keeps trying to fly into the kitchen to be with me...)


Plus, by hanging the perch on the hooks, it means that I can hide it out of the way when she's not using it. Kel is reluctant to fill the house with parrot perches for some reason...


Naturally, she immediately climbed down and started walking around the poop tray, sometimes sticking her butt over the edge while she bit the edges of the plastic. So I'm sure there will still be poop incidents. Hopefully greatly reduced in frequency....


The plastic "catch tray" is corrugated plastic and pretty slick (which I wanted for easy of cleaning) but she slips around on it. I may have to change it out. I wonder if I could get a lightweight serving tray about the right size so it would have a lip...


I love working in PVC for this kind of project as it is so easy to whip something together and to modify the design. Plus it's cheap...


(This picture was taken in the kitchen while I was preparing her breakfast this morning...)



Very well done!!!

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  carlsjr said:
if you have a parrot store nearby you could show it to them and see if they would be interested in buying a few from you.


We don't have much in the area, but maybe I can check it out...


Thanks for the idea!

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Now that is amazing idea. Where did you get suction cups that actually work.

I love pvc i told my kids i want to spend Christmas Day in a Homedepot just in the pvc isle.

Dont buy any gifts just let me drool and dream about things i can make out of pvc.

I hate how the employees are always bugging you to help you in that isle.

Yet when you tell them what you are doing and if they have any suggestions on how to or whatever, they are usually clueless.

So why even bother to tell them. Dont interrupt me when i am in the freaking pvc isle, lol

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  austinrngr said:
Doug, i just wanted to say Thank You. That window perch is awesome. I instantly ran out to buy the stuff to make one. bella loves it. She gets to look out the window and watch the people walking by.




Cool! I'm glad Bella likes it!


What did you use for the bottom? (The picture is too tiny!)


How old is Bella? Ellie is only 7 months old and entirely too adventurous for her own good, so she doesn't stay on the perch for very long before she's flying somewhere. Anywhere.

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Sorry about the tiny picture. I tried 4 times yesterday and it kept coming out huge. I think I got it now.




I used the same thing as you did. It seemed like the lightest option and it does clean up easily. The corrugated plastic board is easy to find at ant office supply store.

Bella is 4 yrs old. I got her when she was 5 months old. she doesn't mind hanging out in one spot as long as she has something to do or if someone is in the same room. Its obvious you love your bird with all those great things you make. I'm almost tempted to copy your coffee table playcenter. I just couldn't figure out what holds up the board. or do the legs end under the table or do they go thru the table?

Edited by austinrngr
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Here's a shot of the underside.




The "coffee table" portion is plywood with a wood rim. The "legs" of the top section go into the main legs. None of the PVC is glued.


Ellie spends a LOT of time getting peanuts out of the "foraging toy". The table/rim catches MOST of the shells. The dogs get the rest. (I guess they need roughage...)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm sure you all were laughing at me when I said, "I wanted to make sure that the suction cups were out of her reach."


Nothing is out of the reach of a determined parrot...


Ellie spent a lot of time climbing on the toys, fighting them sometimes and trying to get to the top other times...



Climbing and playing... by shyzaboy, on Flickr


Naturally, it wasn't THAT long before she finally made it to the top (and was able to hold on) and then she immediately went for the hooks on the suction cups...



Nothing is parrot-proof by shyzaboy, on Flickr


I guess it comes down to keeping the suction cups out her reach or having toys to occupy her...

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