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Hi All, I'm a newbie

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Hi everyone,

My name is Dan. I have been spending a lot of time reading and searching on this forum for about around 4 months. I finally joined to be a member of a great forum.

I would like to say hello to all members.

I just picked up a CAG baby (13 wks old) this Sat, Oct 29. I have been contacted and visited the local breeder for more than 2 months and wait to pick up this one. The breeder has 5 or 6 diferent pairs. the one I pick up was one of the 3rd batch that he has (he has around 12 baybies age from 1wk to 22 wks old). I follow a advise of one member of this forum to pick the one that choose us, not the one that we choose. Two weeks ago, I went to visit the baby after got a call from the breeder ask me to come to look at the baby because they are ready to be go home. As soon as I got into a bird room, one of five baby stood up and kind of walking to me. So I picked her up and petting her. She showed no fear at all. I also picked up each of other one, but they kink of scary and try to nip. I asked the breeder to hold her for me for two weeks because I need to prepare everything for our new baby. On top of that I have no confident of taking care of the baby. I went to visit her at least 3 times a week.

My daughter named her CoCo. The breeder showed me everything about how to feed and take care of her.

Sorry for a long introduction. I will post her pictures and informations more later.

Oh, I forgot that she already know how to step up. When she got home I introduced her to all family members, then let her settle up in her cage, only take her out of the cage for feeding and play for 5-10 mins after feeding. I started to ask you command step up on Sunday evening, but she seem like doesn't know what that is. Every time I said "step up", I used my fingers to lift her feet one by one onto my hand. I tried that for about 4 or 5 times. This morning, I tried this command again when I took her out for the cage for feeding. At first, she just look at me only. Then suddently she step one foot on my finger and then another one after 3 or 4 seconds. So I just took her out for feeding before I go to work. After feeding, I tried it again when she was on floor, she step up right after I said "up". so we did play this game for a while before I left for work. Lol, I was so excited and forgot the time. I was 30 mins later for work. If it keep happening like this, I may be fired.


Thank you for letting me be a member of this great forum.

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Hi Dan--It sounds like you're starting off on the perfect right track. Taking it nice and easy, introduction to the family, not forcing her to do things, giving the bird time to get used to things are just perfect. You're gonna be a good parront and just make sure that you check in for any info you may need or just check in to chat. Good luck.

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Thank you to all.

I will post pictures of CoCo later.

Last night, before feeding her I took her out of the cage and let my daughter and son played and talked to her. I also tried the "step Up" command again, this time she just did it every time I said "up". She is very good with this command now. the whole family played with her for about 20 mins last night. Every body in family had a chance to try "Step up" command. When my wife said "up", she step up on her hand, but not as fast as she step up on my hand. CoCo refuse to step up with my son and daughter. At first, she steped one food on their hand and hold it for 2 or 3 seconds than took it back down and also made some noise chik chik. We don't know what that mean, we all just laughed.


Where do I post a question or to share with other what breeder have show and teach me? He told me how to cage baby grey, how much time to spend with grey and many more but I am not sure they are all good ideas.

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Hi Dear,

I am Baird from the California USA. I am new one for this forum. Here I want more friends for getting the advice and sharing the information regarding the health, fitness and diet.

Edited by Baird
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