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Out of Electricity


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Hi everyone, Talon here, I am one of the millions of people in the Northeast that got hit with this crazy snowstorm. Due to the earliness of this storm, the trees still had most of their leaves on them, thus the weight of the heavy wet snow toppled and broke many of them. Many falling on power and telephone lines and roads, blocking travel, not to mention no heat, elec, etc. It looks like a war zone here. To add to it, the temp drops down to 20 degrees at night, and it has been around 38 in the day. Power has still not come on in most places, every business, gas stations, stores are closed. Cell phone is sporadic.

I have wheeled my bird cages to my living room where I have a fireplace and I can keep them warm during the day. At night, it drops down to 50 in the house, so I covered their cages with blankets.


I am at Starbucks about 1 hour away using wi fi to check in and let you know I will be back as soon as I get power and internet. In the meantime, you are all in good hands with our wonderful moderators. They can help you if you need help.


So keep posting and I look forward to catching up real soon I hope! I am heading home together the fireplace up and running g for my fids!


Take care,


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:( You guys really took it in the teeth, didn't you? Saw the news & was thinking of you last night. I really hope they get everyone's power back up quickly. Terrible time of the year to be w/o it, especially w/the fids! Have they given you any idea when they expect to get your neighborhood back on line?


Glad to hear you can at least get a Starbucks fix. Might not be much under the circumstances, but hot chocolate/hot coffee & wifi might help a little.


What a difference a few miles made! Just the raging winds & 1-2" here. Ugly but manageable in most places.

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Hi guys, thanks for the kind words....unfortunately, Starbucks is a 45 minute drive and then the only one open, so waiting in line for about a half hour......IF you can find a parking space. They are saying the power may be on by the end of the week....:( I am lucky enough to have a gas grill outside to cook dinner on, but finding food is difficult as the stores aren't able to be open. Lines and lines of cars waiting to get gas IF the stations have any, CASH only also....


I am at my dance studio, which is one of about 6 business on a strip of road that did not lose power. Came in to wash my hair and clean up, and use the phone. We have no cell service either...:( I will pop in when I can, I am going home to add more wood to the fireplace for my birds. They were in a bit of a shock this morning and yesterday, but then calm down and finally eat the muffins I gave them for breakfast. :)

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Oh dear Talon, I just hate it when there are no lights and internet!!!! What a bummer!!! If you were closer I would take your birdies in a flash....... and you too of course!!!!!! It's Halloween too!!!! Double bummer!!!! Am sending vibes for the power to come back on. Take care.

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Penny, Sorry I couldn't email you because your mailbox is full.


Gov Patrick declared a state of emergency over the weekend. That might mean FEMA will pay for temporary housing since it's so cold & you've got no heat. When we got flooded out last year, I didn't have electricity or running water because I have a well. That was one of the things FEMA offered to help with. Maybe it would be worth checking into.

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Thanks everyone. Checking in quickly. My house was 49 this am. Talon is not happy sleeping upstairs in her sleep cage where it is cold. I think tonight, I will let her stay on a perch in the living room, at least she will be warmer for part of the night...poor thing. At least we can go out and get a hot meal now. Looks like thurs by 11pm they are predicting....:(


Haven't heard anything about FEMA and I have no cell or phone service...:(


Thanks for all the suggestions, I will check back in again soon I hope.

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Quick update while I'm inStarbucks on wi fi. I let Talon stay in the living room last night where we have the fireplace. She slept on the curtain rod that I had placed a towel over. She seemed much happier as the temp didn't drop to 49 there like it does in her sleep cage. It seemed more like 55? Maybe.......hope to check in again, the birds aren't eating like they usually do and are definitely quieter, but they do like having us all around them. The poor things haven't been able to fly much. It gets dark very early with no light, and they freak and fly in circles in the room but can't figure out where to land with flashlights here and there...;(

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You are resourceful in keeping your home warm but it has to be nerve wracking. Hope you have power restored soon and get this behind you. Our furnace igniter went bad and it took almost a week to get a new part. We are not near as cold here as you are but it caused us to worry about our bird's safety and warmth, I can barely imagine what you have been going through. Bless you and your flock.

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Well, wanted to get caught up on this thread. We were without elec, water, etc. for 6 days! Took me 3-4 days to get caught up on things, put the house back together, etc...


IN my boredom of keeping the fireplace going for the kids and birds, when I was alone, I took lots of pictures of the room we all spent our time in. SO here are the birds living quarters for the week.


I moved our parakeets the room, here is their temporary home:



Our kitchen table so we could play board games and stuff.



Nilah & Rikki's cages were wheeled into this room.....



Yes, the comforts of our one room home, shared by 5 birds, 3 kids, 2 dogs and 1 cat!




The rest is the birds playground.....






Nilah staring out the window wondering what is going on...



Rikki on her side of the room.....



Rikki guarding her spot....



This curtain rod with the towel on it, is where Talon slept at night....



Talon's favorite spot to warm up.....



This is how we kept warm.......


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Here is a few of the reasons we had no power, I tried on day 3 to drive my son to school, but as you can see, we ended up turning around and going home after exhausting all routes near my house.....

Most roads still have trees down, I still have a big one in my yard, it will be a long time before everyone is able to get cleaned up. Many are still without power here.




We drove under this tree twice....










This is not my house, but was nearby......


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So glad you have your power back. The only really good thing about this outage is that we finally got you to post some great pictures of your birdies!!!!! Goes to show that Penny is very resourceful and imaginative. Very nice Penny and so happy all is now well and back in shape in your abode! Your babies all look beautiful, comfy & secure, hooray!!


What more pictures!!! I almost missed them.


Oh my goodness I really don't envy your situation! But on a good note, it certainly must be beautiful where you live... in the proper weather of course.

Edited by luvparrots
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Yes ma'am, it looks like you have had a mighty fine adventure and certainly managed just fine by being resourceful. Having a generator for backup will certainly help. I am glad that you had extra time on your hands to take so many pictures. I love the one of Talon warming herself by the fire. I'm sure you accustomed to storms and take it all in stride. It has been a long time since we lived in the frozen north and we didn't have parrots at the time. Well done.

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I was thinking a lot of the same things. I know how tough last week was. But it looks like you got some great quality time w/the family & some beautiful shots of the fids. I think my personal fav is the one of Talon in the cupboard, though. So glad to hear everything's back up & running. :)

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