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Almost 8months old...a few problems and questions!


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Ajax(CAG) is nearly 8months old and I'm getting impatient. He is still not talking. The only mimicking he'll do is my tone of whistle(but not the beat or song) However when I talk to him and he's interested it looks like he's "mouthing" words but making no sound. I can't whistle worth a darn so I'm seriously considering investing in recorder to play for him. Do you think a recorder will help him or will he just tune it out since it's an abstract object and not me in front of him?

Ajax is also very quiet. He only chirps in the mornings when I wake up. Other than that he never screams or chirps. I discouraged this when I first got him by not opening the cage or playing with him until he stopped chirping...have I inadvertently discouraged him making any sounds like talking?


I also see so many youtube videos of dancing birds/parrots...Ajax doesn't even bob his head. I even play music and dance myself to encourage him! lol

Ajax gets showers weekly,sometimes up to 3 per week. I've been doing this since I got him(nearly 4months now)and I still think he hates water. He does like to be around me all the time so I bring him in the shower to watch me(creepy I know) but when it's his turn to get wet he moves away from the water. And when he IS in the water he crouches down real low and tucks his neck in....is this a sign or being happy or frustrated/upset? He does like to "drink" water off my fingers(my niece gets a kick outta that!)

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I too have a CAG who is almost 8 months old. And guess what he isn't talking either!!!!! Certainly not unusual and I don't worry about it. Like your grey Sterling Gris is making noises and sounds and watching my closely. I don't worry about whether or not he talks or not, he will if he wants and I just talk to him and encourage him. I certainly never tell him to be quiet or lock him in his cage for making noise. He is a parrot and I love the sounds, noise and squawking that goes with a happy bird. I have three noisy parrots and when they talk so do I. We are a flock and I encourage their chatter. Be patient, your parrot sounds like a lovely grey.

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Simon's almost 10 months old and he doesn't talk English either. He's a pretty good communicator though. I know when he wants out of his house, when he's hungry, when he wants to cuddle, when he's enjoying his toys, when he's excited, etc.


I hope he'll be a talker eventually. But even if he never says a single word in English, I'll never regret getting him. He's pretty wonderful.

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Isaac is going to be two years in December..and he just started saying words over the last couple months. Be prepared for the possibility that your Grey may or may not talk. Whatever you do...don;t stress over it...it will only make it worse. Just relax and talk to your bird. One day..you may be suprised. I also leave tv shows on for Isaac when I am gone. I always spend time talking to him and giving him love. People tend to think that all Greys are alike and get pulled in by fantastic videos of Greys saying phrases and such. But it's all about the time you put into communicating with your bird and how you encourage them.

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you still have a baby parrot. not talking at 8 months is no big deal. they will talk when they are ready to do so. just like human kids will walk, talk and mouth off when they are ready to, you can encourage it but you can not force it. just be patient it will happen on the birds schedule not yours. As far as bathing. since you say your bird is showing no interest and maybe getting stressed out while in the shower i would stop doing that. instead very gently pour water over its back while holding it over the sink. Some babies enjoy it very much and some do not care for it. There are a number of grooming sprays on the market you may wish to try too. Some animals take the hissing noise as a threat and some take it along with the spray, as a deterrent for bad behavior. You may wish to spritz your hand and stroke the bird with a wet hand if this is the case. It all depends on your individual bird and how you introduce these bath styles.

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You know, Greys have such a reputation for talking-- a well deserved one. I admit that the grey's intelligence is one reason I decided to get one. However, in the last few weeks that I have been visiting my grey at the breeders, I have to admit I couldn't care less if my little Gracie ever speaks a word of English. I'm just totally in love with her. As I have been reading the posts here from other grey parronts, I see one thing over and over--just a love and respect for their fids. Talking is a bonus (and perhaps a liability at times). There is so much more to be mined and discovered from these amazing creatures. If human speech is in the cards--GREAT! If not, I doubt you'll really care much in the long run.

Edited by JeffNOK
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It is quite normal for a baby grey not to be talking just yet, 18 months is more like the time you will start to hear the odd word being practised. I know how you feel, you just want that extra level of communication which is human speech but I'm pretty sure it will come just give it time. I have yet to hear of a grey that doesn't talk, some may talk more than others but that's just like people, some people can talk for England while others are the quiet type.


As for the shower thing, again something that will take time. When I first got Murphy as a baby at 12 weeks I took him in the shower & although he didn't like it, he tolerated it enough for me to shower him properly, 6 months later he almost enjoyed it. Now take this new grey I have Missy, took her in the shower & she absolutely hated it. You get her anywhere near the running water & she takes off like her life depends on it but what I have found is she's ok with a spray bottle. Now Murphy was the opposite, get a bottle out & he was off, I could only shower him in the actual shower. So just keep at it in the shower & show Ajax what a wonderful experience it is in the shower, sing & whistle while your under the shower to show that you enjoy it & he will be taking it all in. His little mind will be thinking well mum/dad is loving that so can't be that bad & as you are flock leader he should eventually follow suit, but like I said it will take time, could even be months. You just can't rush things with greys, they have to do things at their own pace & when they feel happy/safe to do so. You need lots of patience with a grey or you won't get anywhere, have that patience & you will be rewarded richly.

Edited by reggieroo
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My grey is 3+ years old and it STILL surprises me when he talks which is most of the time. I think you just need to be patient. I talk to mine all the time and he definitely responds appropriately when I say certain things. I too, was nervous that he wouldn't talk, but he did, and I consider that a bonus not a qualifier. He is a riot, and a love, with a strong life force that I cherish everyday. Don't let a little thing like talking discourage you. It will be okay and rewarding regardless of what happens.

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