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What was your reason for getting a zon

Ray P

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There is a reason we have each of our fids. Our cockatiels with their crest makes them look so majestic.

My grey was because they are so smart and I always wanted one. My keets because they were always fun to watch. My amazon, well Cricket was a rehome and I had never ever condsidered one because of there reputation and it was that reputation that almost kept me from getting her.


Would I do it again (IN A HEART BEAT)

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I have always wanted a cag however I saw Kiwi (our lilac crown amazon) in a terrible rescue in a little filthy cage and I couldn't leave her there. I always felt like I didn't know enough to get a grey however I felt like it was an emergency when I saw Kiwi. So we brought her home. She has been quite a bit of work, patience etc. However she has come so, so far! She actually showed me that I do know enough to get my cag. She truly has given me so much confidence when it comes to birds. I read, and read and asked so many questions to help me learn how to help Kiwi that my confidence as well as hers has grown. I now have had her for awhile and just a few weeks ago I got my baby cag. I still have to think about every little new thing I do with Kiwi however she seems to be a happy bird now! She gives me kisses and lets me scratch her head (this took alot of patience and trust!) She seems to be coming out of her shell as she observes her new little sister playing with her toys and experimenting with different foods. I got Kiwi because I wanted to "help" her but in turn she helped me lots more!

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Getting a parrot was my way of committing to the future. I had always wanted one, and I had always put it off, thinking I'd do it later when I had more time or more money or something. Then I got cancer and went through all the treatments and really thought about what was important to me. I decided that having a parrot was important. I wondered if I should even consider getting a parrot when I was a cancer survivor (what if it came back and killed me?), but then I decided it was a vote of confidence in my own future. Why an Amazon? I didn't really decide to get an Amazon. I just kept an eye on the available birds on Kijiji. I met a couple of birds - including a 2-year-old Grey - but Kazoo the Double Yellow-Headed Amazon felt like the right bird for me.

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I was happy with my TAG, Ana Grey, until Jay became the first moderator of the Amazon Room, he is amazing with this room and I really miss him, anyhow, he brought the amazon to life for me with stories of his Salsa and the threads he started for the different kinds of zons, there are so many!!!!!! I started looking for a zon for me!!!! It took awhile and finally I found a male Blue Front on the internet. His male owner was ill and the wife and children had more or less abandoned Louie so I was delighted to give him a looksey. We meet in the parking lot of a store mall half way been her home and mine and I purchased Louie who was in a small bird cage made for parakeets. He is beautiful and speaks Hindu. I was told he was "wild" and had not been handled since the husband became too ill to care for him. He was moved to outside and I suppose he was for sale because winter was coming and the wife and older daughter were not prepared to care for him for the winter. Louie is the sweetest guy in the world. My kids all love him and laugh with delight when we are on the telephone with me and they hear Louie jabbering way in a foreign tongue. Louie use to call out the name "Jordan" but has now started, I believe Jordan was the name of the young son I meet at the mall parking lot.

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I love the personality and the smell of a zon that was the main reason I wanted a zon so after looking at some cute babies I took hubby with me to the breeders and I think we both fell head over hells in love with our Rocky and yes I would definitly do it again , Rocky is so smart and funny I just totally adore him :)

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