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Isaac Update - My Feathered Friend


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Well..my life has been totally transformed since I have both brought an African Grey Parrot into my life, and joined these forums. This little guy has me so...so close to him. The way he looks at me...it just gets me every time. I feel so incredibly lucky when it comes to Isaac. He is my heart. And the people here have helped me in ways that have made life with my guy what it is. I love the fact that I came here for advice in raising Isaac.


Isaac has been doing a lot of new things lately. Namely talking...now..he doesn't talk like most greys..and I am sure it is my fault. But....he is super cute all the same. Cause I can tell what he means..and that is really all that matters. I love him.


You know that it isn't always kisses and roses though...there are times that he gets his jungle on..or he decides that I am not doing something conducive to what he is considering....oh yeah....ninja games start. I sometimes have to fling him skywards when I am tuning in a channel on the Tv with a remote...he doesn't want me to use remotes. It's EEEVIIILL! Also, while sitting here typing that last sentance..he did a fly by ear nip. WTF....you lil shit..and then he pulled out the speaker plug on my sound card right NOW!!! Ooops...gotta be quicker...just tossed the camera I used to upload the video to youtube on the ground...ahh crap..biting the power cord. He is super jealous right now cause he can tell that I am enjoying what I am doing while typing.




I swear...that happened to me while typing this!! That is living with a grey. But you know they love you..cause they have that big strong beak on their face....and when they choose to lay it on your finger just carfully enough to hold on and not bite...ohh man...can you feel it...yes...YES! That is care for you..and that my friends...is just sweet.


(Isaac hanging on the back of my seat says...."Litah boooyyeee!", then purrs and growls....lmao)


One thing he likes to do in the morning when I give him breakfast is do fly-bys on my head. I can feel his feet graze the top of my head. So he is fly bying my head top. LOL....I love it. Sometimes with a "Whhooohoooo" in flight...he kicks my arse.


Here is a link to a quick video I put together..its not much and maybe downright silly with my talking like a doofis. But there is my baby. ;)



He seems to like to knock his beak against everything lately...he is funny. The end there...he aced me...they never found me...mwmmwwhahahahah

Edited by Elvenking
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His speech is clear and sound effects are awesome. I totally loved the video and update on Issac. He is such a wonderful energetic guy with a ton of personality. One thing though, I don't know about you, but I can only handle all that from just one grey. Thanks for sharing this. :)

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His speech is clear and sound effects are awesome. I totally loved the video and update on Issac. He is such a wonderful energetic guy with a ton of personality. One thing though, I don't know about you, but I can only handle all that from just one grey. Thanks for sharing this. :)


Holy moly no. One flying parrot is quite enough for me. ;) He is super sweet, but a lot of work too. Double the poop....ohh my. I just so wish that he would poop in one place. My everlasting wish. LOL. All else is perfect.

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Brutus used fly by and "bonk" our heads regularly with his feet. I don't know why he stopped, (not that I am complaining) but he has gotten sweeter and not as mischievous. Maybe it had something to do with our move. We don't allow him on my new desk, so he doesn't get into things like he did previously. Plus, our kitchen cabinets go all the way to the ceiling, so he can't ambush us there anymore. He used to fly to the top of the cabinets and drop toys into whatever I was cooking, or give us a little fly by swat with his feet. He just seems much more content to hangout with the other two parrots, and not as intent on destroying every new thing in his environment.

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It would be hard to determine whether I was delighted more with Isaac in the video with his sound effects and charming personality or with you just thoroughly and genuinely loving every aspect of your adorable little friend. Your posts are always sure to bring smiles and a warm glow of parronthood. Thanks for all you do in this forum.

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LOL...yeah...I am simply not the same person when it comes to my baby. I become soft as putty, silly as a child, and as in love as a school boy. He makes me smile all the time...my little ray of sunshine no matter what happens. Thank you for your kind comments. I am happy people like to hear about my life with Isaac.

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Was Isaac cuddly with you from the beginning or did it take time? I've been visiting my baby Gracie at the breeders almost daily and although she steps up and will let me handle her, she doesn't like to be stroked, and she definately doesn't cuddle. It's not that important to me really. I want her to be herself, but I do look at your avatar and think--awww i hope Gracie will do that with me.

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Was Isaac cuddly with you from the beginning or did it take time? I've been visiting my baby Gracie at the breeders almost daily and although she steps up and will let me handle her, she doesn't like to be stroked, and she definately doesn't cuddle. It's not that important to me really. I want her to be herself, but I do look at your avatar and think--awww i hope Gracie will do that with me.


Okay, first of all...that picture is my avatar because it is as amazing as it looks. I think I only got Isaac to fall asleep on me like that maybe three times. Ohhh how I loved it beyond anything. I have had him walk on my chest a little and allow a bit of cuddling, and he loves a good head, back, or lower beak-cheek rub. However, they are only feel that vulnerable for a very small period of time. This is when i first brought Isaac home and he was between 9-10 weeks old. I picked this guy because when I came to visit him, he found some sort of comfort in cuddling next to me. I would stroke his little head, smile at him like a kid at Disneyland, and just totally love him up in expressions and words. I brought him home and he just wanted to be close to me. I would put him on one end of the couch, then sit on the other end, and he would clumsily march right over to me on his over-sized talons and crawl up onto my chest. The image of my avatar touches me and takes me back to those days every time, and it puts into perspective just how much I love this lil guy and what we share together.


These days, he is still rather clingy. My shoulder is the prime destination the majority of the time. But he won't be crashing out on my chest anymore. Once cuddly, and if they are kept in low stress environment, they will retain some cuddle-factor, but you will realize that it is on their terms. You can't make em cuddle. I cherish the moments that Isaac gets into one of those moods which is thankfully still quite often.

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My Roscoe has just recently started to cuddle!! He crawls under a fleece hoodie (his tent) the same one I've used since day one when I sat next to his cage. I placed it on my lap & when he first came out of his cage, he would sit on it & feel safe. He now walks across the room to me & his blankie, crawls under it, mouths my fingers & allows me to pet the top of his head. Your avatar gives me "warm fuzzies" & I yearn for the day he will lay on my chest like that...

Watching your vid, I also talk to him like you do Isaac. My husband mimics me, repeating my speech, making fun of the way I talk to him. Lately, I notice him walking over to Roscoe's cage & talking to him the way I do !! BTW, for the 2yrs. I've had him... Roscoe & my husband do NOT get along.


I love hearing about your interactions with your baby & your vids!!

I had "a moment" two nights ago.. Under his tent, on the floor, he stepped up onto my pillow & cuddled on the inside of my elbow for a minute; then he moved up onto my chest, layed down, tucked his head down & let me stroke his head, neck & back. He stayed there for several minutes!! He loved the warmth & I could hear him breathing. Blissfully, one of those rare times, like you have w/ Isaac!!!


Being a parront, I treasure the moments, all to have him show me that he does, indeed, love his mommy !!!

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