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The juice from a coconut ???


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  pikachu said:
All I know is, if humans drink too much coconut milk, they can get the runs. So, I'd be careful with it.


And thunder thighs. As a vegan I usually stick to soy/almond/rice milk.


EDIT: What i meant to say was that it might be too fatty for a bird to have in large amounts, as coconut milk has a lot of fat. I should have elaborated more.

Edited by Eshana
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Originally this thread was started when a person came here and wanted to discuss coconut milk and how good it was for his bird. The person got his answer and Lactose intolerance and the lack of calcium were mentioned in that post. It was a health issue concerning birds.

Now, in this same thread the conversation seems to have veered off to the effects of coconut milk on a person's body. One person talks about getting the runs if they drank coconut milk. Another person talks about a specific obesity problem.when the coconut milk is used. Other products are mentioned to combat these obesity problems.

What's bad about doing this is that another person who's never been here before might come along asking the same type of question, reading all about these different products and thinking that they all apply to birds because they're all in this one specific thread. The person might not be able to understand that the conversation was about other things besides birds. We can't possibly expect to know how people react or what they know when reading certain things.

There's another section on this board which is called off-topic discussions and all of these different types of things including diahrea and obesity that don't have anything to do with birds can be talked about freely on that board. Theres many other subjects there that have nothing to do with birds and hundreds and hundreds of people have visited and posted there for many years.

Edited by Dave007
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  Dave007 said:
Originally this thread was started when a person came here and wanted to discuss coconut milk and how good it was for his bird. The person got his answer and Lactose intolerance and the lack of calcium were mentioned in that post. It was a health issue concerning birds.

Now, in this same thread the conversation seems to have veered off to the effects of coconut milk on a person's body. One person talks about getting the runs if they drank coconut milk. Another person talks about a specific obesity problem.when the coconut milk is used. Other products are mentioned to combat these obesity problems.

What's bad about doing this is that another person who's never been here before might come along asking the same type of question, reading all about these different products and thinking that they all apply to birds because they're all in this one specific thread. The person might not be able to understand that the conversation was about other things besides birds. We can't possibly expect to know how people react or what they know when reading certain things.

There's another section on this board which is called off-topic discussions and all of these different types of things including diahrea and obesity that don't have anything to do with birds can be talked about freely on that board. Theres many other subjects there that have nothing to do with birds and hundreds and hundreds of people have visited and posted there for many years.


Dave, I made my comment because the person asked if it was safe. I don't know if it is safe for birds or not, but I added the comment that it can cause diarrhea in humans. I was thinking that it might possibly have the same effect on birds. I wasn't getting off-topic, just trying to help...just like when you have said that too much fruit can cause the same effect.


I didn't know we were being censored on this board.

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  pikachu said:
Dave, I made my comment because the person asked if it was safe. I don't know if it is safe for birds or not, but I added the comment that it can cause diarrhea in humans. I was thinking that it might possibly have the same effect on birds. I wasn't getting off-topic, just trying to help...just like when you have said that too much fruit can cause the same effect.


I didn't know we were being censored on this board.


You aren't being censored. It's called re-directing people to the proper areas for posting certain things. Go there and look at the section.

Very few things are cenceored here but many times, people frequently do post in the wrong areas .

Edited by Dave007
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Dave, if I started a post that was titled, "Coconut milk gives me diarrhea", then I could understand you wanting to re-direct me to the proper area.

However, I was trying to give input to the question. Go back & read it. I said that it can give humans the runs & that I'd be careful.


I stand by my decision to add that comment.

I thought this was a place to give advice & support.

It is not necessary to nit pick people's posts.

Time to give it a break now.

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  Greywings said:
I use coconut milk every time I make birdy bread it adds many good nutrients to the mix. Add it to the dry ingredients and let them soak for a while as I chop the veggies & fruits & nuts.


I remembered your post when i went to the store to buy baby food to make bird bread for Luna and safeway does carry coconut water. I bought a carton and added to the bird bread. Luna loves it.


Edit: i forgot to add that i tried a sip of the cocount water and BLECH!!! so nasty!



Edited by carlsjr
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  NatJ said:


i bought coco a coconut today that im gonna cut in half & hang in his cage :)


is it safe for him to drink the coconut water inside? xx


so what are the results? i assume you cut the coconut in half and drilled a hole through the shell to run a string through it so you could hang it right? if so did coco show any interest in eating the coconut meat?

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