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George's Story, Day 2


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As you may all know from reading my first thread "George's Story" I am trying to get him to open up and bond with me. Today, I think things went well, when I first went to see him, he did talk to me, but I only talked to him from a distance, he did start to talk back. Later, I changed his water and he at first was shaking and looked mad, but as I began to tell him "It's ok Georgie. Your ok" He slowly calmed down and let his guard down. I touched his head and he snapped at me and screamed at me. After that, I backed off for a little while. I then reapproached him just one on one, I told him I was not going to hurt him and this time he liked the fact that I was paying attention to him and playing with him. He then started to Regurgitate in my hand and was trying to perch on my arm, but I was afraid. I'm scared to get bit, I'm afraid he's going to act like he's going to perch and then bite me. Should I wait till there is more trust involved with us? Until I completley trust him and he completley trusts me? O and another thing is I don't work tommorow or the next day, could that damage our bond? Will he remember me? I mean he does have TONS of other people stimulating him, but none do the things I have done with him. I wish he could be mine, I love him to death, he's amusing and quite a character, I would give him a great home!

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Maybe when the doctor comes into work, you can show him how youve been doing research for George and youve found a way to bond with his old bird and explain that youd be the perfect "parront" for George. You just have to convince him that you do know exactly what he needs in order to be fulfilled. I have faith that you can pull it off. Just make sure your up for the commitment of a grey. If doctor says no way, just be happy you get to see george at work, and read all the advice you can here so that you can change his dull existance into a happy life once more. Bring hi a bird toy and some pistacchios or grapes llike a snack... Good luck, and bring us a pic of George when you can please.

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George will be able to tell if you're tense or not, so if you aren't quite ready to have him perch on you yet, just let it be for now. Continue to talk gently to him and like was suggested, maybe offer him an appropriate treat (unsalted nuts, no avocado, no chocolate, no mushrooms, etc.) to continue to win his favor. He probably just is enjoying the attention so much but is still a little uncertain at to what your angle is. Give the issue with the doctor a little more time, perhaps, until you can both see that George would be very happy with you. And in the meanwhile you can continue to research Greys and what the responsibility would be, so when you finally have that conversation with the doctor, you will be well-prepared and obviously a good thing for George in the long run. That being said, I think it's wonderful that you're reaching out to this old Grey like you are. He won't forget you during your off days, these creatures are very intelligent and remember kindnesses done to them (and by whom) as well as harms. All the best to you both as you continue to befriend one another! :)

Edited by MarcusCAG
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Ok, I will try all of these things. For now, he will have to stay at the hospital, but when I get my own place, I want to take on Georgie for myself, I would definatley give him his own space and a place to be when he's outside of his cage. I would love him the same as I love my doggies, completley <3

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I think it is wonderful for you to reach out to George. Even if you are just a bright spot in his day and interact with him every day, for now that has to be a boost to his spirits. For whatever reason if the doctor can't keep him at home, you have a wonderful opportunity to build a bond with this bird and learn more about him every day. If George responds to you, and it sounds like he is doing so already, you may well be a candidate for him to have time out of his cage in the short term and a loving caring home in the future. Good luck. Also, I was scared of bites and still think they are no fun, but as Gilbert gets to know me better we have fewer of those kinds of surprises.

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