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New member & grey, Ravena


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Hi all,


I'm Kelley from Washington State, up near Canada in the Pacific Northwest -- nice and cloudy and rainy most of the year. I adopted a 15-year-old Congo African grey last November named Ravena who had been hand-fed by her dad and given lots of attention until he got married and had kids - and therefore no time - five years into her life. She came to me with pretty bad scissors beak that she got filed every year or two (?!?! Now I get it filed every couple of months!!) and an annoying biting habit, so I have devoted 99% of my free moments as a college student to her socializing and well-being. I'm happy to say I've made serious progress with her biting problem, she's strongly bonded to me, she's getting used to being handled by others, and only spends time in her cage when I'm out of the house. She seems pretty happy now.


Me, I'm a bird enthusiast, I guess -- I go birding, I volunteer with local Audubon chapters, I've raised many different birds as a young girl, and now I'm doing marine bird research in WA. At home, I've got my Ravena and my canary, Loki, who has free range of the bedroom (and Rav's cage when she's out -- he thinks he's a parrot!). I've always got questions about behavior and life enrichment for my birds, so I'm really really happy to have found this forum.





Edited by Kelley
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Welcome Kelley and Flock! There is a ton of information in each of the respective rooms for each topic.


It's always wonderful to hear of a grey in need of a new home finding one such as yours. The photo you provided of him shows a very healthy and happy Grey. :)

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