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Grey Still Wheezing:


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I'm trying to decide if we should accept one of the baby Greys from my boss. They're "due" to hatch around Thanksgiving. I think the fiance wants one, but I'm not sure if I'm ready so soon after Betsy. Any thoughts?


do it, the chick is not due to hatch for another week and you wont get the baby until the end of February. your feelings will change.


My orange wing died in July so i know where you are coming from. I got my CAG 2 weeks ago and am very happy i have her.

Edited by carlsjr
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I wasn't sure I ever wanted any other bird after we lost Tumba. It had been quiet at our house for a long time, since when he stopped talking was how we discovered the cancer. Even so, we knew it was coming and my mind was made up. When he was actually gone, it was even lonelier without him. We still had the 3 dogs, so how could we be lonely, but something was missing. Most pets don't become a part of your life for 20 years like Tumba did. In the end, as we discussed, we got a new baby and I am very glad we did. He is only making chirping noises so far, but we are bonding and it feels right. By the time the new greys are hatched and ready to go home, I think you may find that you are ready. Keep your mind and heart open to the idea, at least.

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I'm new to the forum and just read Betsy's story ... how heart-breaking! I can't even begin to imagine how hard it has been on you. I hope you at least showed the horrid vet the autopsy report ... simply unreal.


I would say visit your boss' babies and see how you feel rather than make a decision right now.

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Thank you for your advice and condolences everyone. They mean a lot to us.


I haven't been back to the vet yet since getting the autopsy report, but when I have cooled down a bit I plan to go in person.


We're planning on going to dinner and to see the babies the weekend after Thanksgiving weekend. I think it will be hard to resist taking one once we see them, LoL. We're currently moving to a new house as well......this one just doesn't feel right anymore and I worry about it being contaminated with spores and God knows what else, especially if we bring a baby home.


My fiance wants another female if one of the babies turns out to be a girl. I was wondering if there are any real differences in things like talking ability, temperament, etc between the sexes? I've heard and read a lot of differing opinions - some say there is no difference, others say males are better talkers and more cuddly. Betsy was a female and was the cuddliest Grey I've ever seen, so I'm just wondering in general.......


Anyway, thanks again everyone for your advice. I'll let you know what we decide......and post photos if we do end up taking a baby home with us. :)

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I'm trying to decide if we should accept one of the baby Greys from my boss. They're "due" to hatch around Thanksgiving. I think the fiance wants one, but I'm not sure if I'm ready so soon after Betsy. Any thoughts?


I felt the same way after Neo died suddenly. He died the middle of June. I called a breeder that I know (not the one I got Neo from) just to get my name on a list. She had one Timneh that had just hatched on June 5th. She said she hadn't had a TAG for a year and a half and after talking for some time, she felt that this baby was meant for me. It isn't like she was just trying to make a sale because she already had someone else interested. Anyway, I made the decision to make this bird part of our family. After dna testing it turns out we had a boy. I actually didn't care one way or the other.


I will say that Egan is in no way a replacement for Neo. They are very, very different in size, personality, likes and dislikes. There are a number of things that I still miss about Neo. (He was much more of a cuddler.) There are other things that set Egan apart. (He is not afraid of new things and loves to explore.)


I'm glad that things worked out this way for me. I think you will know if it is right for you when it comes to deciding. I can say with 100% certainty that I have no regrets.

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I saw the eggs this weekend......cute and surprisingly small. The female is quite protective of them - she's cute. We're thinking of taking one of the babies if one of the three turns out to be a female. If we do bring one home I'll post photos for you all.......will still be a few weeks though until we decide for certain and longer until we bring her home with us.......

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