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Okay family, I need some advice. I want to have an outdoor aviary for my three parrots. As I have said many, many, many times, I am not very handy. I am horribly atrocious at making/building anything. So advice is needed. What do you thing of this aviary? Has anyone seem or have one of these???? Help!!!



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Wow :) Looks very nice... Bit expensive tho...


I've looked. That's actually on the cheap side for a store bough aviary of that size. :eek:


Janet, I really like the size & the dimensions being long enough to allow some nice flight. Also low enough to fetch down anyone who's reluctant to come in when playtime is over. But I'm not seeing much by way of info on spacing & finish. Did I miss something?


Doesn't look like it would be hard to assemble. You could maybe put a tarp over at least part of it like Delma mentioned.


I'm a little paranoid about escape, though. The one other thing I personally would like to have in an outdoor aviary is double doors. That is if I could have an outdoor aviary, which just isn't practical here. sigh I'm going to be very jealous when you get one.

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I am a senior citizen and live alone and do not do very much in the backyard anymore. Mainly BBQs on the porch. I was thinking of attaching the aviary whichever one I get to the house and using the birdroom windows as ins and outs. I have a huge fear of bird-nappers. I do not intend to put food in the aviary as I only want the aviary for sunshine time and sunbathing for the birdies. If they are thirsty and hungry they would have to come into the birdroom through the window and back to their cages. Pretty sneaky huh!!! It's winter so perhaps I will just keep looking.

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The idea you have w/ your aviary is AWESOME !!! It just gives me all sorts of virtual images of what could be done... I really think your fids would like the freedom of being inside or out to be w/ nature or you.


Roscoe's cage sits by an east window in the living rm & I could see him having an aviary to the outside !!! I moved his cage to the window 6 mo. ago & he loves seeing us in the yard & talks to me out the window. Even now, w/ the window closed, he spends 4-6 hrs. just looking out enjoying his window. Every morning, after breakfast he sits in the sun pouring thru & watches the leaves fall. Just the thought of accesss into an aviary would expand possibilities.


You have all winter to look for a structure or have a contractor estimate !!! Keep us posted on your idea !!!

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So what have you decided on the outdoor aviary? I am struggling with exactly the same thing. I am also paranoid about birds escaping>

Would love to know where you are with this project at this time and pics of course if you have done anything. thanks

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Here is what i am thinking of and i hope that the powder coated welded wire will be fine. It is shinny not the dull looking kind like the fencing is made of.

I am going to get a kennel or dog run not sure exactly what it is called.

The one i found at tractor supply comes with a top for sun protection.

A friend of mine got a batting cage but i am not sure if i can trust going that route.

So far it is working out fine for her but i am paranoid.

I will post pics just as soon as i get it all set up and ready

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When I first saw this, I thought it was expensive. As I read the posts, I went back to take another look. At first glance it looks like a double flight cage, then I read the information and it is bigger than it appears in the photo. That thing is six feet tall, you could walk right inside of it. When I read that you were thinking of attaching it to your home so the birds could go out a window right into the cage, what an awesome idea! Now I want one! I can imagine you during good weather going outside to enjoy your deck and leaving access to your birds to come outside when you go outside. They would be right there beside you but safely enclosed. It would be freedom for all of you and I think it is a magnificent solution. There are times when I want to clean cages and to send the "kids" out to play and then having a few minutes peace would be an extra bonus. For them to get the sunshine and fresh air would be nice too. As far as worrying about someone stealing them, I expect if you were not going to be home, you would close the window and you would have the same security you enjoy today. If you think it will attract someone to notice you have birds, I am thinking you should post a sign on it saying you are not liable for injury from the wild hawk in the cage and you will not pay for stitches. LOL. Maybe that would be a deterrent.

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I can't offer an opinion on your situation, but of course it has me thinking.


Just wait until I tell my wife that I am going to build a walk-in aviary by the pool as part of the next phase of the deck construction...


Current phase:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well i finally got my setup outside. Went to Tractor supply and got this one for under $400. I put my 2 macaws in it and it is plenty big for them for the moment.

They do not fly around but at least they get some much needed sunshine and get to enjoy the outdoors.

Seems like i cannot upload the pic at the moment will have to add it later when i can figure out how to do it. Sorry

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Is this screened from the inside to prevent the birds from chewing the wood?


yes.. but I'm actually going to tear this one down because I made a smaller tiki style one for her... she never really used any part of it. She just sat on a branch up in the corner. Here's her new one and she LOVES it!

DSC_0566 (2).jpg

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screen is aluminum mesh from Home Depot.. like the stuff you'd use on a screen door. It's more to keep the mosquitos and wasps away from her when she's in it. I was about $100 worth of material NOT including the palapa roof.. That's actually an umbrella cover that I stapled onto sheething/roofing paper. wasn't that bad to build. Glad I'm not the only crazy one out there! :)

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Keywe, does she ever chew on the screen?


never... I was a little worried about that too, but it's really small..too small for her to even climb on. she uses the ropes I have along with a perch hanging from the center. I usually take her out when I'm working in the yard and she just sits and sings to me.

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