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Frustrated and Upset


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Hello everyone!


First off, I want to thank everyone for welcoming me into this wonderful community with open arms. I have earned a wealth of information from this forum, and have met some very interesting people.


Now, please excuse me, my lovely parrot loving kin, as I go into a rant.


I was supposed to move into my first apartment at the end of August. I am currently living in a small room in my parents house while going to school full time and working an internship. I have two small parrots, a cockatiel and a senegal parrot. My goal when I joined this forum was to gather information on African Grey Parrots, as they are my dream bird, and to adopt one when I moved into my first apartment.


I've been waiting patiently, saving money, for that day to come. That day has now come and gone, because the current tenant feels that even though her lease is up and she can't pay the rent, that she has the right to stay there.


So here I am, in a tiny room that is filled with a hoarderseque amount of apartment items that I had bought slowly over time. My fids are getting less and less out of cage time as their parrot friendly space is no longer parrot friendly, and I am getting restless. The tenant has basically said that she won't move out until there is a court order to move her out. The landlord can't afford the lawyer without the rent. It's a vicious circle that I fear will end up with me graduating undergrad in may, finding a full time job, and then moving to a bird friendly apartment next summer, while she still lives rent free in what is rightfully mine.


All I want to do is pack up my things, buy a manzanita tree, set up my apartment, buy the CAG cage, and put a deposit down. Now I spend every day anxiously hearing if I'm going to be stuck in my small room for the next eight months.


Sorry for venting, I'm just really, well...as my title says...frustrated and upset.

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you are rightfully frustrated and upset!!! unfortunately more and more people feel they have the "right" to break rules, that they're "owed" something/everything for nothing. you're at the receiving end of this as well as the landlord. it's not right, it's not fair, but this seems to be the growing "entitlement" mentality that is sweeping not just your town, but everywhere! hang in there as best as you can. i know people say things happen for a reason, and maybe this is one of those times, only time will tell. i'm sorry its turned out like this for you but i'll keep my fingers crossed that either this gets resolved sooner rather than later or that an even better opportunity comes along for you!

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You've done all the right things & it's come out all wrong. She's doing everything wrong & it sounds like things are working out fine by her standards.


That really stinks!


But you don't want to be her once the Karma hits the fan. While you are socking mega good Karma away by the boat load.


Waiting is not fun. But maybe you're waiting for something a lot better than you realize.



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Thanks for the support you guys!


To be honest, I'm not even upset about me having to be in the small room in my parents house. I'm upset that, as I type to you right now, I'm in my living room, and my birds are up in my room. I want to be able to have them out whenever I'm home without fear of a large Golden Retriever (there are three here) chasing them down. I want to have safe cookware to cook them meals in, and I want to be able to give them the sort of play area that they deserve.


Is that messed up that I don't even care about the apartment for me, I want it for my fids and my future CAG fid?

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Thank you!!!


So, I spoke to the powers that be today and they said that they're getting a lawyer next week, and that if all goes well, the current tenent will be out before January. I really hope she comes to her senses so that she doesn't get in too much trouble...but I'm dying to have my apartment and my CAG!

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After we PM'ed I went to posts & found this..............


How disgusting !!!

good things come to those who wait, and you will be saving more money waiting (you can never have enough savings) !!!


You HAVE DONE EVERYTHING the right way and I know if this isn't meant to be; there is something better that will pop up. You just pour out that love to your fids & you will have a grey soon! xoxoxoxo

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That makes you a loving parront.


Ok, well maybe just a slightly crazy parrot person who has actually been driven to use the word "hoarderseque". But only slightly & we think that's a good thing around here :)


Hehe! Well...when you find a PURPLE hamper for five dollars, and someone gives you free computer tower and you bought a nice bowl and chopstick set and stainless steel pots and pans...everything just keeps piling up!

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You do hang in there it will work out and will be sweeter for the annoying wait. About the cookware-it is not cooking for the birds that presents a danger when using non stick it is cooking at all. The fumes released during high heat or extended cooking times are the danger not so much anything from the pan mixing into the food. Eshana you are strong and smart enough to stay in school and save money so you will get where you are going.

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I have a quick question. This apartment will allow me to keep as many companion animals as I want, but it's in Staten Island. I only want to live here another year and a half or so...do any of you apartment dwellers have a hard time finding bird friendly apartments?

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It's been so many long years ago that i've rented, i can't say. However, my daughter has several duplexes she rents & doesn't allow animals. Two of the six units she has made an exception for birds in their lease only because she has a cockatiel!!! :)))

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  • 1 month later...
Good news! The lawyer has started the eviction process! It looks like I may be moving in as soon as February!


Yay! I am so happy for you! It is always great when things work out, isn't it. I wish you the smoothest moving process possible :)

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Eshana... there are many people that know how to " battle the system", and prevail. Contact the court, explain you need a " court appointed lawyer". You can't afford a private lawyer. See where it goes. After getting divorced, I learned how the courts work. It sucks! My ex is a doctor, I just want him to support my kids thru college. Its NOT going to happen. Nancy

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Eshana... there are many people that know how to " battle the system", and prevail. Contact the court, explain you need a " court appointed lawyer". You can't afford a private lawyer. See where it goes. After getting divorced, I learned how the courts work. It sucks! My ex is a doctor, I just want him to support my kids thru college. Its NOT going to happen. Nancy


I hear you on the divorce and child support issue. Us 'honest' parents get dupped! My ex makes millions with the business WE built together, and cries poverty when we go to court......meanwhile I struggle to keep a roof over my kids heads etc.....


Sorry for the off topic, had to vent with an understanding soul.

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  • 4 weeks later...
That's a big back of suck for all involved - even the soon-to-be homeless girl. What she's doing isn't right, but she obviously has her reasons. Good luck with the new place. I hope she didn't/doesn't trash it on her way out.


What we know so far is that she has been selling drugs out of the apartment, ruined the plumbing, and due to leaving a bag of old clothing outside, now has a fly infestation.

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I hope for everyone's sake she hasn't been cooking meth in there. If so, find somewhere else to live. Extreme paranoia, perhaps, but these days you really don't know and the residue is toxic to humans, let alone a bird who may pick something up off the floor.

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