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Houston we have a problem........with my grey! Help!!!! Pictures included


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A lil run down. I've had him since Feburary, and nothing has changed. Same food, same water, same surroundings, same everything! Is it the time of the year? Is this normal? Any info will help. He is keep indoors of course. He has an outdoor gym that he didn't go to for a few days cuz i got tied up with work. Other than that I cant think of anything that might have caused this. He will be one year old in Novermeber. Thanks for any input!

Edited by Tommyr20
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Your bird is mutilating feathers because he's not only chewing them but he's also stripping them. There may be infections in a few areas. On the other hand there might not be a serious problem.

I can you that **Is it the time of the year?----no ***** Is this normal?---no

You should see a vet. He needs a skin examination.

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